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Another of the drawings from my 2024 Holiday Fundraiser Picarto stream. Since we blew past our goal of $2,000USD the stream was NSFW.

     So here's Sweetie Belle and Applebloom taking a break during Flying Fingers Wanna Go For A Ride tour for some one on one entertainment. Scootaloo is probably the one who took this picture.



J. McDermott

OH, my! They're definitely enjoying each other! But I'm guessing this doesn't get put into the media packets. XD


Um, only in the super exclusive, premium, limited edition, gold club member packets.

Snowy Haze

And this dear Engel is why I am very happy to be a patron of yours now that I *finally* got a creditcard allowed, I'm still sad I couldn't buy a print at Ciderfest, sorry again but I only had 600 dollars for the whole trip to America.