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I made an important discovery yesterday. I should not make posts when I am having a massive back spasm. If you saw yesterday's the posting right after I put it up you might've thought my writing skills had taken a turn for the worse. I'm no author. I'm a storyteller, but recently I have made an effort to improve my writing skills.

What happened is that I was in the middle of some pretty horrific back spasms when uploaded that post. Not the worse I've had, but I still had to lie down for a couple of hours after taking some meds. 

I had two files. The first file was me just trying to get the images and dialogue from the dream written down as best I could. The second file is the first file that has all my edits, corrections, fixes, etc. to it. Well I uploaded the first....Oops. 

Important lesson. Either have things scheduled to auto post which I sometimes do, or make certain that you can truly focused on the task in front you so don't make the mistake I did.

Oh well, live and learn. 



Sorry to hear about your back-pain, Baron :(


Ouch. My sympathy!


The best proof-reading device in the world is a high-volume printing press.


Millions of eyeballs staring at the same thing will spot all kinds of boo boos!


I'm better today and moving on. You roll with it. Although I probably should've waited until later in the day to do the posting. I would've been able to focus on what I was doing much better. Live and learn.

Seth Drake

Ugh. Oof. I've had back spasms last days or weeks, and they're not at all funny. My sympathies to you, and I hope you feel better soon.


True so true. I am dealing with a case of Achilles Bursitis in my right heel. I have to hold my foot just right to keep the pressure off the heel. Aleve helps dull the pain but only dulls it! Ice soak helps too. Glad you are feeling better.


Oh by 9pm I was feeling fine. They seem to be very much connected to strong changes in the weather. Usually it is low pressure systems that set them off but we have had a series of very strong high pressure bubbles in our area recently.


Part of the Technician's Code (which is totally imaginary, by the way) is to always be able to recover from what you've done. (Also recreate what you've done, never get rid of the original/source aka always work on copies.)


Unfortunately I uploaded the original instead the edited edition. Worse Patreon has gone and screwed up their text editor again. So it was just easier to make all the corrections directly than attempt to tear it out and reload with the proper file.