Raspberries and Rumors (Patreon)
Grandma Coal meandered through the crowd in my Royal Equestria Security Forces (RESF) dreamscape. The Dancing Heron Farmers Market was really hopping today and in a rare summertime moment the weather in Ft. Trotterdale didn't completely suck.
The kirin was regular at the Farmers Market, and she was on first name basis with most of merchants in the market. She enjoyed the environment and along with excellent produce the mare often discovered useful tidbits of information about what was going on in her neighborhood and the greater Ft. Trotterdale area.
"Good morning Blue Mane!" The elderly mare called out as she stepped under the awning of the temporary pavilion. Spread out on several folding tables was numerous fresh fruit; although Blue Mane specialized in raising berries and they made the bulk of his stock. The middle aged earth pony stallion smiled and came around from behind one of the table and gave the kirin a hug.
"Coal! I'm happy to see you! I have a treat for you today! The stallion let go of the mare and reached over to pick up a basket of fresh raspberries for the kirin to admire. He looked down at them and smiled.
"Now I have to be honest with you. These little gems didn't come from my fields, but they came from my cousin's farm up north around Gallop Hills. However they were picked just a day ago. I swear that when it comes to growing berries there's no pony in Equestria who can beat him! He's probably going to take home the blue ribbon again this year at his county fair!"
Grandma Coal peered over her glasses at them. "Oh! Those are beautiful!"
Blue Mane picked up one of the berries. "Here try one on the house!"
The elderly kirin accepted it and popped it into her mouth as she thoughtfully chewed on the rich crimson red berry. After a second a smile crept across her face as she closed her eyes. "Oh my! These are excellent! Mmm. I detect raspberry parfaits in my future!"
She opened her eyes and looked at the stallion. "Blue Mane dear I'll take 3 baskets of those delightful little treasures!" The stallion laughed.
"Sure thing! Let me pick out 3 of my finest for you! Oh! by the way if you were not aware, these little gems are amazing in a tossed salad with baby spinach, medallions of fresh Knocking Barrel Cheese, and chopped pecans. Toss the whole thing with a dressing of olive oil, honey, red wine vinegar, a pinch of sea salt, and good cracking of black pepper. Serve them with some good buttermilk biscuits, and maybe some olives on the side and you've got yourself a mighty fine lunch or light dinner!"
Grandma Coal nodded her head. "Well now I haven't made biscuits in a while, so I will have to correct that soon."
In quick order Blue Mane had packaged up 3 baskets for travel, and with the sale completed the pony and the kirin spent the next 10 minutes getting caught up with what had happened since they'd last seen each other. For the most part it was just small talk, and during that time several more ponies and zebras passed through and made purchases. It quickly became apparent to Grandma Coal that Blue Mane would run out raspberries long before the farmers market wrapped up for the day.
However there was a point when it was only the kirin and the stallion in the pavilion. Blue Mane looked around at the crowd passing by for a second before speaking in a softer but more serious tone of voice.
"Coal there's something you should know." He glanced around again. "I've seen some of Double Barrel's boys in the Farmers Market today."
The smile slowly slipped from kirin's face, but she kept examining some peaches on a nearby table. "Did they cause you or any of the other vendors trouble?"
The stallion took a sip from his water bottle. "Nope! In fact one of them dropped by and said hi. Even bought a basket of strawberries from me. In fact they seemed to be visiting most of the sellers here. They appeared to be polite and all, but it was obvious that they wanted everypony to know they were here."
"That's very, very interesting." The mare was now examining some jars of homemade preserves. "Especially since this market most definitely not their turf and they're supposed to stay out of here. How many of them were there?"
The stallion scanned the crowd. "About 10 of them. They were easy enough to spot in this crowd. What with their black leather jackets and crazy mane styles. Still in spite of them behaving themselves some of the other sellers were obviously alarmed by seeing them here."
The kirin came alongside the stallion and stared out at the passing shoppers herself. "And how long ago were they here?"
"Oh about a couple hours ago. Coal. Do you think they were just here to freak out the regulars, or is this a sign of future troubles?"
Elderly kirin scowled. "Not if I have any say in the matter, and Double Barrel knows I will be aware of this little demonstration today." She looked over at the Blue Mane. "You know how to get in touch with me right?"
"Yep! But you might want to check with some of the other long-timers and make sure they still know how. Will you be bringing this incident up with Double Barrel?"
Grandma Coal removed her glasses and took a moment to wipe them clean with lens cloth before returning them to her muzzle. "Yes I will. Of course he's been contacting me off and on for the last few months. So I'm pretty sure this little demonstration today is related to our most recent conversations."
The mare then picked her canvas shopping bag. "Well, I need to head off. I'll check in with some of the other vendors on my way out. Take care dear."
Then she stepped into the crowd and wandered off. Blue Mane watched for a moment before muttering to himself.
"Sweet Celestia. I'm glad she's on are side."