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It was the constant sound of Two Tone's phone ringing that drug the mare back to the world of lucidity in my Royal Equestria Security Forces (RESF) dreamscape. Expect for a hastily consumed meal at her apartment, and a shower afterwards the zebra had slept almost on stop for the last 20 hours. Only getting up a couple of time to piss.

    It was sometime in the early afternoon of the day after she'd finished her most recent assignment for the changelings. Link Due to the Ft. Trotterdale summertime heat and humidity, and the fact that the A/C in her apartment was weak the mare stripped down to her panties and crashed out on top of blankets on her bed. She was tempted to let the caller go to voice mail, but with blurry eyes Two Tone recognized the phone number displayed on the screen. Still lying on her belly, and with fumble fingers she picked the phone up off its recharger stand and answered the call.

    "Yuh?" She mumbled. After a second she heard a voice she was familiar with. It was an artificially generated voice on an encrypted line that made impossible to determine what the callers actual voice or what their gender was. It was the way she'd experienced much of her verbal communications with the changelings. A gruff, male, middle class voice spoke.

   "Hello Two Tone. Hopefully you've been able to get some much well deserved sleep?"

    "Sort of." The mare was waking up more and more by the second. "What do you want? Was there problem with the stuff I got you?"

    "No, no. The material you delivered was exactly what was needed for the job. It was critical to its success." Although numerous security measures were being taken all parties were being deliberately vague in discussing matters. Just in case.The voice on the other end continued.

    "However there is a some final details that need to be resolved, and there's a certain party that wants to talk to you face-to-face about it. Would you be available for a meeting later this afternoon. Say around 5pm?"

     Two Tone rolled onto her back and stared up at the ceiling fan that was slowly spinning above her bed. For a moment she thought. "Normally I like to keep a low profile. Where will this so called meeting take place?"

    "Not too far from you. I'll send you directions via text. So, should I expect you at 5pm?"

     The mare pinched her brow. Yeah, yeah I'll be there. This isn't going to be some fucking formal affair is it? Because I don't feel like getting dressed for anything tonight!"

     The voice on the other end of the line chuckled. "No, no. Show up in your normal wardrobe. Very well see you later this afternoon then. Goodbye." Then the line went dead.

    A few seconds later the zebra's chimed that she'd received the text message it was the address of this afternoon's rendezvous. Typing the address into maps showed a nondescript dental center in a nearby strip mall. Deciding she needed another shower and some more food Two Tone rolled off the bed and headed for the bathroom. If she was suppose to have some face-to-face meeting she might as well look civilized for it.




Zeebs do well with the stripes carried all the way.


nothing worse than weak AC on a humid day.


sew together large terry cloth bathtowels (three or four) and you can have a self-wicking bedsheet, it works wonders for me


True but if doesn't go below 80F then your body really doesn't get to recover from the head of the day.