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These are some preliminary studies for Hinoki's OC batpony Amhrán Oiche. This is sort of an speculative What-if thought experiment of how she would adapt to life in my Royal Equestria Security Forces (RESF) if she was suddenly thrust into it.

       Amhrán Oiche background is kind of complex, but she's effectively from a very isolated community of bat ponies that cut themselves off from the rest of pony culture back at the time of Nightmare Moon. Imagine some the tribes that live deep in the Amazon or way up in the mountains of Papua New Guinea. Completely unaware of how much the world has changed.

       Raised from birth to be a warrior she found herself thrust into effectively 21st century Equestria. Eventually find herself in the ranks of the RESF. Sort of like Deunan Knute from the manga Appleseed. Just with a greater technological and cultural gulf to overcome.

       Talking with Hinoki I commented that I could see Amhrán initially failing to see the purpose of gyms, but eventually becoming a total gym rat.




I deeply appreciate the response notes of "You say she's an archer? Then she WILL have the visible musculature for it." very master-craftsman of you! 😀


Back in college I shot archery almost everyday. Both compound and longbow, and while I never got up to war bow levels of power with my longbow shooting I still ended up for awhile with something of a back I wasn't ashamed to show off. But if you start shooting stuff approaching 100+ lbs in either as longbow or recurve you'll definitely get the back and abs.