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Some study images of a character who'll be appearing in my RESF dreamscape soon. This is Derecho, she lives in Ft. Trotterdale, and she makes a living being an aerial courier/messenger. Zipping small parcels, packages, and documents around town. She an individual who skirts the line between legal and illegal activity, and she's someone that Two Tone has used in the past.

     FYI. The shotgun is not her's, but she'll encounter them in future. Also if you don't know what Derecho is it's a violent weather phenomenon that can occur especially in the Midwest Area of the US. Link, Link



Chris Teet

That bullpup reminds me a bit of the Magpul PDR.


Sort of minus the P90/GitS Seburo style front handguard, and that it's a 12ga and not a 5.56x45mm.


Sort of a pony version of "Kiki". 'Axe


It's a 12ga but a lot can be done to help mitigate the recoil, but in the end you are shooting 12ga so it's just a fact of life. All things are tradeoffs.

Chris Teet

I was thinking similar about the recoil. Seems like one of those guns that could end up smacking an inexperienced shooter in the face.


Not more than a regular gas-operated 12ga shotgun. Good technique is important no matter what you're shooting.