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One of the drawings I started during my recent Picarto stream. It was a double themed stream celebrating both Valentine's Day/Hearts and Hooves Day, and Singles Awareness Day.

     Unfortunately it appears that things have not worked out for Rarity this day, and she's finding solace in ice cream, cake, and champagne.




The double dangers of being an 11 out of 10: everyone assumes you are out of their league, and, everyone assumes you already have a date lined up.


Yep! Joe Rosales had an issue of the Wildlifers that revolved around that premise. Everyone assumes Musky must be doing something that Fridaynight because she's so popular, but she's sitting at home waiting for someone to call her.

Snowy Haze

Rarity you could get anypony that you desired.


Love it.


I do believe you have. I can almost feel her frustration over the situation.