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This was a request from my 2025 Valentines Day themed Picarto stream. Growing up I remember watching various Hanna Barbara cartoons as a kid including those featuring Yogi Bear. Link  However I have never drawn Yogi or his sidekick Boo Boo. So I took up the challenge.

     Now you might be wondering. Hey Baron the stream's theme was Valentines Day. How does a picnic basket stealing bear fit into the theme? Well love comes in many forms, and Yogi sure loves food.




NGL Boo Boo looking a little bit SUS there.👬


Later declassified documents would show that Boo Boo had been an informant for Park Services for year.

Louis Richards

The question is, if Cindy Bear were to step out from behind a tree, would Yogi stop and give her the Valentine cake, or keep going to eat it himself. IIRC, from the cartoons, he'd stop for her... and cry about it later.