Her Preliminary Report (Patreon)
Antebellum pressed the trigger and the experimental lightning carbine sent one last bolt of cyan energy down range. The bolt danced across the test mannequin 75yds away setting the hapless target aflame. However at the end of the burst there was sharp snapping sound.
Lowering the weapon and disengaging the carbine's Energy Transfer Matrix the earth pony lifted a pair of polarized lens goggles from her eyes. From a pocket of the rubber overcoat she was wearing the mare pulled an eyeglass case. Donning her regular glasses she frowned at the carbine. A quick inspection of the status gauges in the stock confirmed her suspicions. The Primary Transfer Gate had failed again.
Reaching back Antebellum gingerly felt for Main Energy Switch on large collection of assorted arcane gizmos and widgets that made up the Energy Pack. This trickier than one might expect because the much of the pack was very hot now. Finally she found the switch and the pack made distinctive whine as the system started powering down and the radiator unit began vent steam in an accelerated fashion.
The mare wiping some sweat from her brow as she made her way toward a random wooden crate that she'd been using as a seat during her breaks. It was actually a rather chilly early spring day with a steady breeze was blowing across the test range. The all black, insulated rubber ensemble Antebellum was wearing did a jim-dandy job of insulating her from potential accidental shocks from the weapon. However it also insulated and trapped all of her body heat under it.
Sitting down on the crate she picked up a notepad and started jotting down her initial impressions of the experimental test article:
1. The carbine is capable of inflicting terrible and grievous injuries on targets at modest ranges. However the system is too finicky and delicate for actual field adoption, but it still warrants further research and study. The concept may find applications and other uses.
2. The total system is overly bulky and heavy with many possible points of failure. For this to become a valid system these will need to be addressed and simplified.
3. Single-user operations is difficult to perform and in its current and possible near future iterations it will require a secondary assistant to aid in its operation.
4. The Lightning Carbine and its Energy Pack generate unreasonable amounts of heat, and the glycol coolant system is inadequate for the job and frequently overheats. The carbine suffers from numerous stoppages due to thermal and mana shock.
5. The initial concept of the Operator's Outfit needs to be reconsidered. It provides good insulation protection from electrical shock, but the operator quickly becomes exhausted due to extreme heat from the environment and their own body heat. While providing good back support and helping the operator bear the weight of the Energy Pack the latch corset needs to be reconsidered.
Antebellum pauses and looked down at the outfit she was wearing and then continues writing.
6. However the outfit might have possibilities for future Lightning Carbine Forces as a type of parade and formal dress.
This is a patron reward for Spypone. Antebellum is his OC. This piece also continues the series of drawings documenting a steampunk Equestria's exploration into new weapon technologies. Link, Link, Link