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There was a brief pause in incoming fire at Vipera Vixen. The vixen leaned around the corner of the wall and fired another quick burst of automatic from her submachine gun.

     For her efforts she was rewarded with the sight of one of her opponent's doing a convincing an impression of a Jackson Pollack painting Link when his head detonated spraying the wall behind him with cherry juice and strawberry pudding.

     Vipera's other shots just peppered the wall as the other 3 gunman ducked back behind the large, annoyingly resilient, marble conference table. Noticing that her weapon was empty she ducked back behind the concrete wall as another volley of bullets and shotgun pellets skipped off the concrete or went whizzing further down the hall. The vixen was normally not a big fan of Brutalist architecture, Link but she had to admit it had a certain ruggedness that was handy at times.

     Dropping the magazine from her submachine gun Vipera started to pull a fresh magazine from her leather courier bag when she felt her phone begin to buzz in her jacket pocket. Pulling it from the pocket she looked at the screen and smiled. Then she took the call. On the other end she heard the refined voice of her favorite pony Octavia.

     "Hello dear. How is your day going?"

     Cradling the phone between her head and her shoulder Vipera pulled out a fresh magazine as she spoke. "Oh hello darling! Things are going as expected." She slammed the magazine into the pistol grip and dropped the bolt. "I'm currently in negotiations at the moment." She said.

    "Oh how are they going?"

    Vipera leaned around the corner and fired another quick burst. "Oh we've got a few details that we're addressing at the moment." The vixen said. She fired another burst and was rewarded in seeing another assailant crumple to the floor. "Actually we're down to a couple now."

     There was silence on the other end of the line. Finally Octavia spoke. "Dear is that gunfire I hear?"

      "That would be correct darling." Vipera said as she dropped another empty magazine.

      "Dear is someone shooting at you, or are you the one doing the shooting?" Octavia's voice carried an air of annoyance.

       "Some is from them. The rest is from me." She fired another burst. "But Octy dear understand they started it, and they're indivduals that you would disapprove of very much."

      The vixen heard the mare take a deep breath and then slowly let it out. "Very well. Just don't get hurt. Will you be back in town tomorrow afternoon?"

      "I don't see why not." Vipera fired another burst. "Unless my flight is delayed. Want to do dinner tomorrow night? You can wear that tasty little black dress I bought you last week."

      "Should I call and make reservations for 9pm?" Asked the mare.

      "That is fine with me." She fired again and watched as another assailant toppled backwards as a gracefull geyser of blood erupted from his chest. The remaining opponent tossed his gun and raised his hands. Vipera gestured with her left hand for him to lie face down on the floor. Then spoke again.

     "Darling love. I need to end this call now. It looks like I am about to close this deal . I'll call back once I've wrapped things up. Love you."

     "Love you to dear." Then the phone went dead. Vipera reloaded again and stepped forward.

     A patron reward for Octavia Melody and it continues the alternative universe setting where my OC Vipera Vixen and the mare are in an intimate relationship. Link  Octy has been a good influence on the vixen, but Vipera is Vipera and she is known for aggressive business practices at times. 

    For folks who are curious Vipera's submachine gun is inspired by the 1980s Argentina experimental Almara MPA machine pistol. Link I just enlarged it bit to be a true submachine gun.





Chris Teet

Looks like Vipera and Chrysalis have the same tailor, or at least share a similar fashion sense.

Chris Teet

This piece also reminds me of the 2005 film "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie; having a domestic discussion in the middle of a firefight like this.


Thanks for clarifying the alternate universe aspect! I was very confused! 😃