She who defends the dreams of others (Patreon)
2017-07-07 17:26:44
2020-04-29 22:54:19
I posted the B/W sketch of this piece awhile ago and here's the finished color piece. I hope to have prints of it at Bronycon and possibly the original in the con art show. If not the original will be for sale in the SmudgeMarks & EngelWerks ESHOP
The fillies screamed as the lumbering horror slowly emerged from the mist. Between them and the monster floated a lone figure with large scythe in her front right hoof. Applebloom looked up at abomination and sighed.
"Well I best take care of this here thing as quickly as possible since I'll be needing ta get up soon fer school. Don't wanna be late fer my book report!"
Another surreal moment for what will become Applebloom's world in my Equestria dreamscape.
The piece is my usual combination of colored pencil, marker pen, technical pen, and gouache. The image size 12" x 15" and was done on Strathmore 400 series Windpower, vellum finish Bristol Board.