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More imagery from the Aliens/MLP movie I watched one night with Petina in a dream. One piece of equipment that my subconscious decided to play with a lot was the M56 Smart Gun.

      I understand why in the movie Aliens they went with steady camera mount as the main component for the system. However since it was designed to be camera mount, and not part of a integrated weapon system it left a lot to be desired. Well ponies had both magic and high technology and they used them to their favor. 

     The M56 had built in levitation and recoil compensation that was linked to the armor of the Auxiliaries assigned to it. In fact in some scenes they just walked around with the weapon following behind them like an obedient dog. 

      The system could be used by any of the tribes, although unicorns could truly use the system to its full potential. By using their levitation talent and the remote viewing/sighting feature of the weapon's sighting system they could remotely view, target and engage the enemy from behind cover. 

      The caliber of the M56 was not clearly stated but it fired a caseless, armor piercing, magical ward cancelling, high explosive projectile. From the one scene in the film when I saw a pony handling a cartridge it looked .408 CheyTac in size. Larger than 7.62x51mm Nato, but smaller than 12.7x99mm BMG. 

      In the dream the M56s were some of the most effective weapons at the Auxiliaries disposal. Unfortunately the Changelings figured this out pretty quickly and targeted their operators. Also they used their ammo supplies up pretty quickly.  




Dorian Inman

Stars above! That's a beautiful piece of hardware. You got me to rethinking about firearms in my world setting, since it's similar; an even mixture of magic and modern technology. I'm going to need to ponder this. Thank you for the spark of an idea!


That's the one thing about full auto. Run dry really quick. Cpl Hicks said it in Aliens. Short Controlled Bursts. And their guns had a 90 round mag! Still at 3 round burst you are out in 30 trigger pulls and in a firefight. It's hard to keep count. This is really a nice gun design. Looks well balanced. Functional. The .408 is a great caliber. Manageable power.


Yeah the M56 gunners could program certain round limits to the bursts, but with only 100rds on hand reloads were often. Which seems to match with what I've seen from real combat videos out of Iraq and Afghanistan. SAW and GPMG gunners spend lots of time getting new belts loaded to replace used up ones.


You'll probably enjoy some of the other tech that appeared in the dream.


True and those are 200 round belts. Standard ammo can load. In Vietnam we had a short belt 50 or so to make the M60 lighter but the trade off was going empty fairly quickly. With your loader laying dead behind you it became a problem!

Dorian Inman

No doubt! I love the tech in Roan. Your weapon designs just make sense. Unlike FO:E, yet like we discussed Kkat was focused on telling a story not tech designs.


Kkat focused on what they are good at. Telling a story. I just happen to have spent a few more points on tech design.

Dorian Inman

That's something I noticed as well; how fast you can burn through a magazine. I got a chance to use an M16 once, we weren't allowed to switch to full auto, except one malfunctioned and got stuck. 15rds go fast, even with the student using short bursts.


I can empty a 20 round mag in just over 4 seconds at semi. At full auto it's about 2.5 seconds. But accuracy is 10 ring at semi. 8 ring at full. On the semi I can ride the recoil back to aim point. At full it is just too fast to recover the aim point.


I put my reply in the wrong place! Yes it does go empty fast.

Dorian Inman

LOL I'm on the iPhone app so it defaults to last. But I saw. Makes me wonder what good a P90 is. Their ROF is 900 rounds per minute, and they use a 50rd magazine. I'm honestly wondering if I was realistic in a trained Secret Service like character going through 200rds in a roughly 20 minute fire fight against untrained people with various SAWs.


It would work. The SS gunner just had to be very accurate. Time his shots between reloads or jams which can happen more at full auto. I tell rookies I help train this. If there is no target and you are not laying down covering fire for someone don't freaking shoot! When I started in police work I carried a revolver and 12 extra rounds. 18 total. Granted 357magnum but still 18 against an AK with 40 or a Beretta with 17 in the gun! If anything I learned to be accurate and hit the target. Don't care what's presented just hit it. Foot, knee, elbow, hand whatever. Pain tends to make folks more compliant and if the are still wanting to fight. Pain makes them less accurate.

Dorian Inman (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 19:58:52 I fully understand about accuracy; using Army regulations in the 90s I qualified as expert sharpshooter twice. And the character isn't that dissimilar in tactics to you, I cast him with the S&W Governor. BTW, thank you for letting throwing all that at you. I haven't fired anything in almost 30yrs, and what I did was all semi auto or bolt action. I've no experience with full automatic weapons of any kind, and I despise the over the top Hollywood theatrics.
2017-07-26 00:08:33 I fully understand about accuracy; using Army regulations in the 90s I qualified as expert sharpshooter twice. And the character isn't that dissimilar in tactics to you, I cast him with the S&W Governor. BTW, thank you for letting throwing all that at you. I haven't fired anything in almost 30yrs, and what I did was all semi auto or bolt action. I've no experience with full automatic weapons of any kind, and I despise the over the top Hollywood theatrics.

I fully understand about accuracy; using Army regulations in the 90s I qualified as expert sharpshooter twice. And the character isn't that dissimilar in tactics to you, I cast him with the S&W Governor. BTW, thank you for letting throwing all that at you. I haven't fired anything in almost 30yrs, and what I did was all semi auto or bolt action. I've no experience with full automatic weapons of any kind, and I despise the over the top Hollywood theatrics.

Dorian Inman

Oh, man! Sorry about that Baron. The app glitched and created a whole new reply.


Oh me too in Hollywood gunning. Their 12ga sawed off with no recoil get me to laughing every time!


Looks very adaptable for hooves too :)


Interesting adaptation. Though by memory the original ran on 10mm caseless, and the support arm was for aim correction rather than recoil.