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 I am throwing this out to my patrons as a question. Over on my Twitter I have established this thing I call Baron's Art Tips. When I am working on a large, finished, piece of art I will take various photos of it with my phone as I'm creating it. Along with the photos I will provide short little comments, tips, and insight into process I use to create a finished work of art. 

      Would this be something that you my patron would find interesting, or would you find it to be just more junk clogging up your inbox? I know some folks are very fascinated by the process, while other could care less about it. What's your opinion on it? I'd love to hear from you. 



Dorian Inman

I'm interested. I really enjoy Baron's Art Tips, when I catch them on twitter. Even cutting down on followings I've still got a messy feed. Having something similar on Patreon would mean I don't miss anything.


Also I could explain things in a bit more depth. Although they'd still only be a few sentences long.


Patreon would be good for me. I like watching art develop. How a few squiggles become beautiful art.

Webster Leone

Not interested on it here. Already have it on Twitter and I'm inundated with Patreon emails as it is.

Dorian Inman

Like advanced tips that 140 characters couldn't cover even with visuals?

Haefen Zebra

I love to watch art as it slowly goes from an idea to a finished piece, certainly don't mind seeing updates in my inbox.


I would love to read more tips and tricks on how you make most your pieces. The more info, the better the understanding (and confidence to be able to do it)


I would also like to see the stages along with your insights into the creation process.


The process is interesting, so long as it doesn't begin overshadowing the finished results.

Leo G.

Personally, I'm not the type to pay attention to such tips, but I can just ignore those emails. I have the artistic skill of a boiled turnip.


I would be interested, if only for insights to improve my own work.