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From the same dreamscape dream that gave me the images of anthro Octavia and CMC as covert operatives we now get to Vinyl Scratch.

   The floor in front of Vinyl erupted with black ichor; bursting from it a Flayer threw itself at the unicorn mare. Vinyl's punched her SIG P228 at the monster as she fired  off a quick double tap. The horror screamed as the unstable mage  crystals in the 9mm projectiles detonated within it. As quickly as it  had emerged its lifeless body fell back into the ichor and vanished.

     While continuing to scan the room the mare resumed loading her AR  carbine. Without taking her eyes off the sights of her pistol she  levitated a 30rd magazine from her gear and slammed it into magazine  well.

    "Vinyl. Vinyl. Octavia here!" Said the voice in the  white mare's headset. Her voice was scratchy from all the magical  interference "What is your status?"

    "Running low on everything but the enemy!" Said the mare as she transition back to her carbine.

     Doing a quick mental inventory she spoke into the microphone on her  headset. "I've got 2 mags left for my carbine and..." She levitated the  mag out of her P228. "And 1 and half mags for my 9mm. Also my wards are  almost shot! At this rate I'll be down to my horn and punch daggers!"

    The very refined voice of Octavia spoke again. "Understood. I am moving toward the cafeteria. Like you I  have been unable to link up with my fellow squad members. Let's meet  there and press forward."

    Vinyl shrugged. "I don't have a better plan. Meet you there!"




AwesomeBeans™! Is this some sort of zombie Alternate Universe?


More like some Lich that has been accidentally released and is now calling forth creatures from an alternate reality.

Dorian Inman

Gah! These are so good! The narrative in this... just WOW! Is this possibly another dreamscape? Or was Petina just having some one shot mashup fun?


SIG Sauer... "Born in Europe, Perfected in Equestria" :)


Interesting, I guess either her bass cannon isnt strong enough or that's the name of her carabine.


Been carrying a SIG P226 since the mid 1980s. 9mm DA/SA to the DAK in 357Sig and here in a few weeks the P320 in 9mm. 135gr +p Flexlock Hornady. Rumor is the SIG516 assault rifle is going to replace our M4s