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  A scene from last night's foray into my Equestria dreamscape. I wanted to get down on paper right away today. This is not part of the current dream arc which will be resuming this week on Patreon.

  The clock in the hallway chimed midnight as Count Snowmane entered his study to retrieve a book from his library. The light from his horn and the pale blue glow of Luna's moon seeping in through the partially drawn curtains were the only illumination in the room. Everything else was swallowed in shadows.

  His attention was so focused on locating a particular tome that he didn't immediately notice the increasing breeze from the open windows until a voice from the shadows spoke.

  "Count Snowmane, could I have minute or two of yer time?"

  Spinning around the Count flared the light orb he'd created although much of the room remained swathed in varying degrees of darkness and shadow. 

  "Who's there? Who dares enter my abode without first obtaining my permission?!" Hissed the middle age stallion. 

  "Forgive me fer not using the front door. I didn't want ta wake yer staff, and besides my Princess thought it might be a bit prudent ta have me a use more discreet methods ta arrive here."

  A stronger gust of wind caused the curtains in the study to furl and flap like pennants in breeze. This allowed more of Luna's pale light pour into the room. Lying on her belly in furthest window bay was a filly in full plate armor. Even in the darkness the Count recognized her as Luna's student, Blade Mare, and close confidant Applebloom. The strange earth pony filly with so many unusual and ominous stories connected to her. 

  "What business do you have me with at this hour foal?" Asked the Count. "Besides why did Luna not summon me back to Night Court?" As he said this his horn flared again and several oil lamps came to life. 

  "My Princess felt it might be wise that this information be given ta ya in a more private setting. Then in court." Said the filly.

  The light from the lamps shimmered and danced over the filly's armor, making it appear to be made of black obsidian. The Count finished lighting the final lamp and looked back at her. 

  "I don't believe I've seen you wear that set of plate before in court." He gave her gear a critical looking over. "In fact as former member of the Guard I've never seen a suit of plate like that before. Who was the smith that made it for you and how did you afford it? I know your clan has recently prospered under their newfound influence and access to the court, but a set of plate like that would have a heavy price and take time." 

  The filly smiled slightly at the stallion. "I didn't buy it, nor did any of my kin." 

  "So Luna raided the palace coffers for it? A rather blatant display of frivolous spending money if true." 

  Applebloom shook her head. "Nah! Neither her or her sister dropped a bit fer this here gear. A former enemy of mine paid fer it. All of it." 

  Then stallion smirked. "Won a duel did you? Well my dear filly I'll give you credit. You know how to pick rich enemies to loot for pretty trinkets like that!" 

  It was Applebloom's turn to smirk. "Oh they paid for it in something far important precious than bits!"

  In one smooth motion she rolled out of the window bay and on to her hoofs. Snowmane had not been kidding when he'd said he'd been in the Guard. For years he'd worn and seen others wear armor. He was familiar with the numerous clinks, click, clacks, and clunks that plate and chainmail made. This filly's armor made none of those sounds. It hissed, sighed, and moaned as little filly slowly strolled toward him. Stopping a few feet away from the Count she looked down at glistening plate. After a few seconds she spoke. 

  "They paid fer this with their freedom and their identity. They serve and protect me now. They live ta do my bidding Count. They are part of me now!" 

  Suddenly something that Count had been unable to put a hoof on became clear. There were no buckles, hinges, or straps on this suit of plate. It was as if it had been grown around the filly. Also even with the light from the lamps it was hard to exactly tell where the her hoofs ended and where the inky black pool of shadows around her began. 

  "So you've turned your enemy into your suit of armor?" He stared her slightly horrified. "Well I hope you quite comfortable in there." Chuckled the Count nervously. "Because without a can opener I don't see how you're get out of that suit! Anyone I know?

  The filly cocked her head and smiled. "Oh not problem Count! Like said they do my bidding. They appear when I need them or fade away until I call upon them all. To whether you knew them, the answer is yes and no, but that is for another discussion some day. Besides they can take on several different forms!" 

  As Applebloom spoke her suit plate seemed to melt and flow around her, revealing the white laced collar of sleeveless white shirt she'd been wearing in court earlier that evening and the embroidered deep violet vest. However some of the material morphed into a black choker around her neck. Black, shiny boots about elbow length on her front legs. And what can only be described as a  one piece pants/boots that glistened like pools of black ink. Once again Snowmane noticed it was difficult to tell where her hoofs ended and her shadow began. 

  He had to admit that this outfit definitely flattered her figure. It was what had caused him to notice her in court. She was apparently only 13 but the rigorous training she'd undergone had banished any of chubby roundness fillies often still had at her age, and in its place had left her with a very taut, and toned body. Perhaps this visit wasn't such a bother. After all her family hadn't made any arrangements for her marriage yet. 

  "Forgive my lack of manners Blade Mare. I have been a terrible host this evening! I have you offered you no refreshments." The stallion strolled over to a small wet bar in the study. "May I offer you a drink and then we discuss whatever it is that caused your Princess to send you out this late in the evening. Also I don't think I've gotten a chance to learn much about you besides the usual scuttlebutt one hears in the palace. Perhaps we can you use this time to help me get to know you and better understand what..." 

  The Count's voice tapered off as the shadow at Applebloom's hoofs rose like an angry serpent and snapped into the form of a scythe blade of shadow. Looking back at him the filly gave him a disapproving stare. 

  "Count my time is short, and besides I noticed in court how ya were looking at me. I don't think ya need ta know me any better than ya already do at the moment." 

  The stallion quickly nodded his head. "Um, yes. So what did Princess Luna want to discuss with me?" 




Living armor. Nice.

Dorian Inman

If it's a dream... she should geld him thinking like that. And if it's not... That scythe should give his "purse" a little caress. A forced symbiont existence. Fascinating!


In this case this is happening technically in the waking world. Although the line between waking and dream realm have blurred quite a bit for Little Bloom by this time.


Wow... there is certainly going to be an interesting story about how she got that armor!


Wild and yet at the same time creepy.

Dorian Inman

That's actually a little disconcerting... So she's working in the realm of waking dreams now. Can Luna even do that?


If that stallion isn't careful he's liable to wind up as clothing. Then again - he might like that!


Luna can do more area effect illusions while AB with the benefit of the being that is now bound to her is able to create actual physical objects in the waking world and sustain them for extended periods of time. Now AB will exhibit some very interesting abilities in the relatively near future, but those will be under extreme duress and are much chaotic and unstable in nature.


Hmm. I wonder if she's tried using them as shadow wings yet? I assume she has tried getting them to act like a princess tail and mane. :p


Not a dream? That was my first thought, that she was confronting this particular twit inside one of his dreams. But from his thoughts those are likely to be more of a "purge them with fire" nature.