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Steel Hoof kicked his hoofs up on to the chair in front of him. The club  wouldn't open for a few more hours so he was off the clock. Slowly he  looked around the empty club floor. It wasn't the best job he'd had, but  he'd had worse. Heck his employer even for having a bit of a creepy  vibe at times paid him well and on time.

    As he was fishing a  cigarette out of his pocket he heard one of the entrance doors open  behind him, a couple of seconds later a female voice spoke up.

    "So this is where the party is?" Said the voice.

    Steel Hoof took a second and lit his cigarette. "Yeah sweetheart! But the party won't start until 8pm. So come back then!"

     The stallion started to take a pull from his smoke when he heard a  quiet but distinctive metal sound. "Chaclink!" It was a sound he hadn't  since his days in the army.

    Spinning around he got his first  look at the mare who was slowly strolling toward him. The earth pony  was a walking arsenal. Two submachine guns hung by quick detach snaps  from a shoulder rig. In her left hand was a 6 shot grenade launcher with  a revolving cylinder. Stuck in her waist band was an automatic pistol  and handful of magazines for it along with several hand grenades. Across  her thighs were multiple pouches for spare magazines for her buzz guns.  Round out her gear were a meat cleaver and various sheathed fighting  knives tucked into her boots and armbands. In her right hand she held a  grenade, its safety pin ring dangled between her clenched teeth.

    The mare stopped about 50ft from him, and then spat the safety pin from her mouth. Pinkamena  smiled and then spoke again.

     "Let me explain something to you. The party starts when I arrive. Now if you don't want to be part of this party then you better leave. I'll count to 10"

    Steel Hoof took off in a dead run for the back exit. His job paid him, but not well enough to make him confront a  grenade wielding mare!

    Another scene from the anthro MLP  dream/movie of a few weeks ago. Pinkamena as the dream progressed got  better and better at tracking down the secret cells of the enemy from  the Realm of Shadows. 

Edit. By the way this was the music that started playing in this part of the dream. YouTube 



Dorian Inman

Music fits... And I see the club scene from Blade as the battle itself. And let me guess, no backup for Miss Pie.


Nope she's goes rogue on her friends, so she has no 'official' backup. However Celestia does send Lyra and Bon-Bon after her to try and bring her back before she kills herself. This does result in a couple of occasions where the two mares end up being the cavalry coming to the rescue. Only to find Pinkie has taken off again when it's all over.


Lemme guess......in her launcher.......some 40mm Beehive round APERS-T, Dragons Breath Willie P?😋 Used the beehives in Vietnam. Awesome rounds. Defoliated trees! Anyone hiding there.....was found nailed to the tree.


Neo: We need guns. Lots of guns.

Dorian Inman

Loose cannon that can bend the laws of reality a little (did she retain that in the movie?) loaded up with guns and ammo... I feel sorry for Lyra and Bon-Bon. The whole situation has got to be rough on them and straining their relationship. By the way, what's a buzz gun? I think I misunderstood something in the text.


Yes she could bend reality especially in combat. She could do the whole Matrix/Agent Smith bullet time and move way faster than she should be able to. Also she could climb and jump way faster than should've been possible. Finally she had cinematic targeting activated which meant she was pegging things from all kinds of weird ass angles.


Also buzz gun is a term I have heard for submachine guns with very high rates of fire. Which MAC-10s would qualify for.

Dorian Inman

That had to be a sight to see! Well I feel sheepish. I hadn't heard any real fully automatic weapons fire except a mini-gun so it never clicked that the MACs would make a similar sound.


Here's an example of two MAC-10s firing. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Yiz1FATmsc" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Yiz1FATmsc</a>

Dorian Inman

Ok! Yep, buzz guns! Gotta say I like Scoot's Glocks a little more, but that's personal preference.


I will agree. The have fired Glock 17s which are physically the same size as a Model 18 just semi-auto, and I have fired semi-auto versions of the MAC-10. I believe it was RPB-M10. The balance of RPB in one hand fire sucked to be honest. Even in two-handed mode. Maybe with the tiny wire stock the MAC-10 came with the balance would be better, but the Glock was a much more refined design.