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The running colt filled Vinyl's vision through her dotscope.  Instinctively the unicorn reached out with her telekinesis and tossed  the colt to the ground. The instant she had a clear sight picture she  fired a 4 round burst from the UMP into the Screamer who'd been chasing  the poor colt. The unstable mage crystals in the .40 projectiles detonated causing geysers of ichor to erupt from the monster. It's forward momentum caused it to slide to halt about 12ft in front of  Vinyl.

    Quickly scanning for immediate threats and finding none the Vinyl, who'd never let go of the colt with her telekinesis, yanked him back to his hoofs. Emphatically she pointed off the beach.

    "That way! Run! Now!"

     She wasn't certain if he understood all of her instructions but the  colt headed off in the right direction. To her right she could hear  Octavia's P90 barking as the mare fired crisp, precises, bursts of fire  into other targets on the beach.

    "Blast!" Exclaimed Octavia in frustration. "Where are they coming from?"

     The two mares had been assigned to what was suppose to be strictly a  surveillance operation of a possible suspect who might have been in  league with or compromised by the enemy. It was only Octavia's concern  about their suspect being contacted by additional players that had  caused her to insist they pack more than just their sidearms in their  purses. So the two mares had gone to the trouble of packing longarms  with them in their duffle bags when they headed for the beach today.

     Now the two mares were desperately scanning for the source from which  the creatures were manifesting. Also they were fighting their way back  to where they'd been lying on the beach. One they need to call for  backup, and two their guns were running low and the only spare magazines  were there. In the initial assault they'd been forced to retreat away  from that area. Now they were counterattacking.

    Sweeping the  beach with her UMP Vinyl looked for their suspect. Then she spied him  about 150yds away. With arms raised the stallion had created some kind  of portal, from which the monsters were emerging.

    "There Octavia! Over by the Lifeguard Station! Drop him!"

     Without speaking a word the earth pony dropped to a prone position.  Her PDW was better suited for it at these ranges. She took a deep  breath, let it half out and pressed the trigger on the PDW. The P90  barked and Vinyl saw the target jerk and drop his arms. Octavia fired a  second burst and the target toppled over to the ground.

    This piece is designed to be a sister piece to an earlier piece I'd done as a Patreon reward which I did on my Picarto  stream a few weeks ago. Return Fire At the time I'd commented that it was necessarily from the anthro MLP Dream/movie that Petina and I watched with her a month Quick Tempo Dubstep and Doubletaps or so ago but it was definitely in that spirit.

     Well a few nights ago Petina showed a little video once again in my  sleep that was like a collection of deleted scenes from that dream, and  this scene was one of them.



Major Matt Mason (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 19:57:44 Cute gal, skimpy bikini, PDW, what's not to love? <3
2017-10-10 07:49:05 Cute gal, skimpy bikini, PDW, what's not to love? <3

Cute gal, skimpy bikini, PDW, what's not to love? <3