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I'm being asked to do my take on Tempest Shadow's armor from the MLP  movie. Well before you can design a suit of armor for a pony you need to  know that the pony under the armor looks like. I'm not even going to  speculate what her cutie mark might look like since she didn't have one  in the flashback scene.




Neat! I await your inevitable anthro take on her with bated breath...

Dorian Inman

Took a bit to recover to say these are lovely! I really like the expression on the bottom left. I’ll probably be struck dumb if her anthro is anything like Inky Rose’s.

Seth Drake

I don't know much about cutie marks, but I can't help but think that something along the lines of the old weather-map symbol for a storm - a cloud with a lightning bolt coming out of it - might be apposite. Something along the lines of the Magic: The Gathering block symbol for the 'Tempest' block, only reversed, with the lightning strike going forwards down Tempest Shadow's hind leg... But what do I know! :-D She looks very handsome indeed! I love that wicked little grin she is wearing in the last sketch: it really shows up that side of her temperament ;-)


For poor Tempest Shadow - can't someone make her a 'Falsie' ?

Webster Leone

I think her most... striking? feature is her eyes. Probably what stands out the most from the others in terms of design, even considering the rest (scar, horn, mane...). I'm happy to see more people doing art of her. I haven't actually seen as much movie-based art as I expected. As for her cutiemark, she might not even have gotten one if she's just been roughing it up until now.


Those would not be bad. The important thing is to keep the mark as simple as possible. Definitely think in heraldic terms.


I've done one anthro of her already, but now that I have better reference I'll probably try again.


Yup - might help her ego a bit. I mean with all that magic hasn't someone come up with a way to fake one?


AK! Petina and 'Strap On' jokes come to mind. This fox needs to get some sleep! Bad Fox!