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Baron's Art Tips. Finished pieces of art are often like icebergs. The public only sees 10% of it. Usually the only thing they see is the completed, final image. Like the iceberg which hides most of it bulk beneath the waves, a finished illustration can have numerous thumbnails, study sketches, and general brainstorming behind it. 

     Some this initial art never gets used because it is not the strongest material. Better compositions of concepts eliminate them. 

     Or it is development art that is not intended to be developed into final, finished images. Instead it is created to help the artist gain a better understand of what they are attempting to create in the picture. The more the artist is familiar with subject matter in the picture the more solidity a piece gains. 

     Finally some development art is created to help the artist get into the right state of mind for creating the finished work. They help the artist feel like they know the characters and setting they are portraying in the piece. 

    This is some brainstorming I've done of recently of Fluttershy and Discord. It is all based on the dream arc that resulted in the Beast Master piece I recently posted. I may use none of these roughs sketches, or they may evolve into more refined designs. 



Dorian Inman

Some may never be used...yet, Baron, you still show there is a very strong bond between the two of them. And I absolutely adore the look on Discord's face watching Shy dance, it really says "I was not expecting this from you!!" And the silhouette of Shy definitely says she's very comfortable with what she is doing, and she knows exactly what it's doing to him.


I'm getting some Meatloaf 'Bat out of Hell' vibes from these thumbnails. How closely does this line up with the main dreamscape arc, insofar as the two being an intimate item; or is this an alternate dreamscape?


His expression is fantastic!!


This dream arc is not that close to my main Equestria dreamscape. Without giving away too many spoilers I will only say that Fluttershy was already involved in another intimate relationship by the time Discord was releases


In today's episode, Fluttershy discovers that The Stare pales in comparison to the Boggled Ogle.


Well as it has come out in the dream arc, Fluttershy in this dream arc was pole dancer when she was in college. She danced with a disguise spell under the stage name of Flight of Fancy.

Seth Drake

These are beautiful, Baron. I continue in awe of your ability to get life and the sensation of movement into your work, and the expressions on the faces are quite glorious. I don't mind admitting that my first reaction to seeing these was to wish I was Fluttershy... *sheepish grin* Thank you for sharing these lovely glimpses into your work process. :-)