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Applejack looked around Sweet Apple Acres. It was a beautiful autumn  afternoon, and AJ had to admit the farm had never seen crowds like this for the opening of Cider Season. The harvest had been a bumper crop and  ponies were definitely buying goods, but for the most part ponies were  just milling around the farm taking in the sights. For the most part  those sights were herself, her friends, her little sister,   and her business consultant. It was her consultant that AJ was now seeking.

     She found Petina standing by fruit stand speaking to a customer. She  called it taking a survey, but from the glazed over look in the  stallion's eyes AJ was uncertain how much coherent information Petina  was collecting.

    Like all the mares working the farm that weekend Petina was dressed in some variation of a bunny suit and seemed  to be enjoying the attention. Much to AJ annoyance Applebloom seemed to  enjoying the attention as well. Her friends opinions seemed to range  from ambivalent to liking the choice of wardrobe. Spike for his part  just stood still by the cider stand which Rarity is running and didn't move. He looked like he'd been gently tapped on the head with a 5lb sledgehammer. Twilight stood nearby and appeared to be documenting his condition.

     Petina sawAJ approaching and waved at her. "Applejack! I've been  going over the numbers and sales compared to last year for the start of  Cider Season and sales are up 21% and attendance is up by 46%! I think  these changes to your manufacturing and new sales strategy have paid off well!"

    The Element of Honesty stopped in front of the white  unicorn mare and just looked at her. "Petina, ya know, and I know why  there are so many ponies here today!"

    AJ looked down at the  view of her ample cleavage which her outfit provided. "Ponies are here  mainly because of these outfits ya got us stuffed into."

     Petina nodded her head. "Well they are contributing factor, but the same could be said for brother and your cousin as well, and not everypony is oggling you and your friends. Some are here to watch the cider making!"

     AJ looked over at her big brother and her cousin Braeburn who wearing  matching Chippendale outfits. Her brother had a constant constellation  of mares around him. While her cousin Braeburn had been dealing with the constant attention of Filthy Rich for the last 30 minutes. 

    AJ grunted. "Yeah they sure look like they are interested in how cider is made!"

I will be creating more art like this on Saturday 12/9/17 starting at 5:30pm Pacific on Picarto. Hope you can make it!



Haefen Zebra

I'd absolutely love to see Applebloom, Big Mac, and Braeburn in their respective outfits. I think an Apple Family Cider day family photo in their outfits might be something I have to keep in mind haha.


Hehe...It's the Bunny Ranch. Heh...