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Well I have a story but not the one I intended to tell with this piece. This is an image I did of a grownup Sweetie Belle from a recent dream I had. 

Unfortunately DA has pulled it along with another piece I had done months ago of Applebloom. At the moment I am feeling that if folks want to see any of my this content it will now exist as patron only content here on Patreon. 



Dorian Inman

Well, that’s a real shame. While it’s easy to tell Sweetie is nude, nothing is showing. This is why I’m not fond of censorship.


Yep! Well maybe only my patrons will get to see this stuff in the future.


That's a great piece, though rediculous to have it removed- the deviant art staff are quite something! Maybe fur affinity is a little more forgiving.

Seth Drake

I've seen more explicit work than this on dA... it surprises me that they'd be unwilling to host it. Grr. This young mare is extremely handsome, and beautifully rendered as always, Baron.


I thought tasteful nudity was allowed on DA? That said, DA Mods can be more than a little anal at times. And very inconsistent! If this is not allowed, then they better not look at my gallery! They would either clear it out or have an aneurysm. :P


Yeah there is a challenge process I can go and will go through, but I want to make certain I don't go off half cocked. And at the moment I am a bit miffed so now is not right time to be writing.


I read this title as "Let's all hang out". Maybe that's what the DA person thought they read and reacted to! :-)

Dark Forge

I'm sorry to hear your having trouble to DA. Hope everything works out. As for the piece, dang man you always make grown up CMC very sexy.

Leo G.

I've see far worse than your amazing and tasteful art on dA. Why on earth would they take issue with this great piece? It's fantastic.


Funny you should mention FA since I am on probation with them as well.


Well I think this fall into the same category I have encountered when groups have declined my work on DA. Even if I have made an effort assure that it is no worse than what you'd find in a magazine at the supermarket I've gotten the following response. "Yes there is work in our group gallery that is technically more explicit than yours, but you've done such a good job with yours so we're getting hot and bothered by yours and not their stuff."