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 Stone Mane fidgeted as he sat on the Apple family sofa in my Equestria dreamscape. Upon completing her chores Applejack had herded Applebloom off to get her cleaned up and dressed for going into town tonight for the Founders Day Celebration. AJ had also enlisted the elder Matriarch Granny Smith it aid in the filly's preparation.  

  This left the poor colt downstairs with Applebloom's big brother Big Macintosh. Much to Stone Mane's chagrin the stallion was a poor conversationalist.

  "Soooo, Big Mac. Your family has lived here quite sometime haven't they?" Said the nutmeg brown colt. 

  "Eeyup!" Said the red stallion as he sat alongside the colt on the sofa.  

  Stone Mane looked around the living room of the farmhouse. The mantle clock struck 3 in the afternoon. The house was silent with the exception of the sometime loud, muffled conversation that was coming from upstairs. Most of it the colt could not hear, but occasionally snippets of it would wafted down from upstairs. 

  "Gggrrrrr! Stand still and quit yer squirming!" Stone Mane recognized that voice to be Applebloom's big sister Applejack. 

  "Sis yer breaking my ribs what that thing!" The colt recognized that as being Applebloom.  

  "Now dontcha worry yer little head dearie! Yer ribs kin take it! It'll just feel like there a breaking!" That voice had to be Granny Smith. 

  Then the conversation faded back to nothing more than muffled sounds. The clock continued ticking away. The springs in the sofa creaked a little as the colt fidgeted again.     

        "Soooo, have you ever visited my hometown of Baltimare?" Asked the colt. 

  "Nope!" Said the stallion.

  After what seemed like an eternity for the colt he heard the sound of hooves coming down the stairs. First Granny Smith, then Applejack stepped into the room. They were both smiling as if they were very proud of something they'd accomplished. They marched up the colt. Applejack had put on an embroidered vest of deep, forest green along with boots of matching green. Granny had ornate white shawl draped over her. 

  "Thank ya all fer patience but we're all dun now!" Said Granny.     

       "Now let us all introduce the star of the evening!" Said AJ. She turned her head and looked up the stairs. "Ya can come down now Sugar Cube!"

  From upstairs the colt could hear hoofs coming down the wooden stairs. Then Applebloom slowly stepped into the room. She wore a dress of deep maroon, with contrasting ivory white trim and frills. Matching ivory stockings covered most of her legs, and kept full hoof shoes of white and burgundy leather company. Along with her usual deep red bow the filly's hair she now had a matching one around her neck and tied to the base of her tail. The filly slowly walked over and stood in front of the colt. Then she bowed and spoke. 

  "Well Stone Mane, whatcha think?" 

  The colt stared silently at her. 

  Applebloom looked down at her hoof. "Rarity. She's the Element of Generosity made this fer me. She's also Ponyville's fashion expert."

  The colt sat wide eye and still.  

  Worry started to form in her eyes. She plopped don't on the floor. "Stone Mane yer not bothered by it are ya? So, da ya like my dress?"   

  Stone Mane silently began to bobble his head up and down. AJ and Granny Smith resisted the urge to laugh at the whole spectacle. At first Applebloom just smiled but when the bobbling went on for a couple seconds she gave the colt a quizzical stare. 

  "Ya know. If ya keep rattling that brain of yers around in yer skull that way y'll probably end up damaging it." Said the filly.  

  The colt's head went still. After a couple of seconds he finally spoke slowly. "It's a very, very nice dress Applebloom." 

  At this point AJ decided to take charge. "Now I know it's only 3, but things start around 5 in town square, and I'm sure ya both could use a bite ta eat. So let's head into town and grab ourselves some grub." 

  With that they headed out the front door. The same cart was waiting, although now its bed had a large red and white, checkerboard cloth in it that covered fresh, sweet hay. Stone Mane had noticed that Big Mac had given himself a thorough grooming, but he hadn't noticed that the stallion was wearing different tack until saw the cart. What had been plain, dull brown leather had been replaced with ornate chocolate brown tack that was festooned with dozens of little brass bells. 

  AJ went and lowered the tailgate of the cart and removed a set of folding steps that she set up on the ground behind the cart. These steps helped Granny get in the cart. Then the two foals joined her. Then AJ folded the steps up and placed them back in the cart so hey could be used when they got into town.

  While this was going on Big Mac had gotten himself hitched to the cart. Once everypony was settled in AJ trotted up alongside her brother and smiled. 

  "Well alright then! Let's git this show on the road!" 

  Big Mac released the brake and they Apple family and Stone Mane headed into town.   

 To be continued.    



Dorian Inman

Somepony has a cruuuuuush! :D Man, AB’s dress is beautiful. Rarity certainly went all out.


Yes Applebloom, he likes what he sees... and not just the dress :D


Yes although he's at that young age when he doesn't clearly realize it or couldn't describe it in a coherent fashion.


Wait, appearing on celebration all dresses up, with a colt, acting all shy like they are... well, here we have gossip targets for coming week at least! Be brave Applebloom!

Dorian Inman

I concur. Flabbergasted and flummoxed really don’t really carry the weight of gobsmacked. The poor colt is either going to be tripping over his tongue, or it’ll be tied up, all night long.

Dorian Inman

Don’t forget the relentless teasing from Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Not to mention to sisterly teasin of AJ.


Oh this will be the beginning of a gossip storm that last for years and will reach all the way to the court in Canterlot.


Plus Rarity's inquisitive need for intel. Heck Petina will end up run interference for the two so they can have time together.


He will get better as the evening progresses, but at the moment he's about as coherent as a pithed frog.


Poor lil' fellah- he's got eyes the size of the moon! Looks like his mind skyrocketed up there, coincidentally.

Dark Forge

Not much to say that has already been said. These two are cute and if everything works out I can see them as a couple.


So cute. I'd love to see Applebloom's dress in color.


These two are absolutely adorable! Now we finally see where that July concept sketch fits in too. I REALLY want these two to last, but you're so cagey in those 'flash forward' concept sketches that I can't be certain, so I'm constantly biting my nails as I mentally scream at them, 'Don't F this up, you two!'


Stay tuned to find out! If it is any consolation know that there are a lot ponies rooting for them, and some are in very high places.