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More development art for the next Roan RPG  book. I have been given the honor of creating the ratavarians that the  players will encounter in the game, and Roan RPG has said the creepier  the better. Now I won't be posting all of them here; I want leave the  best stuff to surprise buyers when they open the book for the first  time. However I will be posting some images to give folks an idea of  what players will be facing.

This is what Roan military  intelligence is calling a Spike Walker. Information is shaky about them  since they have only be encountered by forces in the field and SOI,  Stable Of Intelligence, is still determining their capabilities and  weaknesses.




Weakness—vulnerable to large caliber or high volume weapons. Sharp edged weapons best if encountered at close range!


Yeah these things like ambush CQB style combat. Also they don't like deep muddy, or sandy conditions.


Eyup.....even for hoofed ponies.

Dorian Inman

Capability: Can cause a full grown stallion or mare to have night terrors. Weakness: Has anyone tried opening a portal to the sun for 0.01 seconds? Fire will kill anything if it’s hot enough. To say I’m hyped for the supplement is an understatement. Especially since I’m really curious if the spikes are bone, keratin, or something else.


Quick, where are the mousetraps and the drugged/poisoned peanut butter? (Because cheese is a fallacy.)