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Another member of Luna's Night Court from my Equestria dreamscape. Not all of Luna's staff is special staff is mares. 

      This is Lights Out and he's part of Luna's security detail. Although  his usual title is Stallion on Call. He's a giant of a stallion who's  taller than Big Macintosh but not as big as Trouble Shoes. Unlike  Trouble Shoes this earth pony is amazingly fast and graceful for his  size and weight. Even though he really is part of Luna's security detail  there are rumors that his role is more that of bedroom stud for the  Princess of the Night.

    Lights Out is this Bean Bandit type individual who sounds like he's being voiced by Ron Perlman. He also ends up being something like a uncle character for Applebloom as she adapts to being a regular part of Luna's court.




Are these rumors that were started because there were otherwise unexplained haunting moans echoing through the halls of the castle's west wing whenever he was on duty near Princess Luna's personal quarters?


Plot twist: He's Luna's personal stud FINDER, and the banging the staff hears isn't him putting her up against the headboard; it's him helping to hang portraits and tapestries when she feels an urge to redecorate.


Well he is tall so that would be handy/hoofy for such tasks. Without requiring Luna to do a bunch of levitating to get things to the right height.


It would also provide her with a better view to appraise his positioning! Of the artwork, I mean. *cough*


Tough looking SOB. Looks like an interesting character.


You know what they say about a stallion "The longer the tail . . . "