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Discord scowled at Fluttershy and then flopped down on one of the  poolside chaise. "That's my final word on the subject Fluttershy. I'm  not going to that insipid place!"

    Fluttershy placed her hands on her hips. "It's not insipid. It's fun! Come on you'll have fun there!"

    The draconequus crossed his arms. "No! There's no way you can make me go!!" 

     The pegasus mare frowned, then slowly a smile spread across face. She  sauntered over and sat down on his belly. Discord watched her with  dubious eyes. After a moment the Fluttershy spoke. 

    "You know what I am hungry." 

     Discord arched an eyebrow. "Well, you're a big pony go find yourself  something to eat." He waved a hand at vendor stands near the pool.  "They're plenty of places to get a bite to eat."

    The mare smile and nodded her head. "Yeah but none of them have what I want." Then she perked up. "I know!"

     Using some of the talent Discord had given her for this journey, she  snapped her fingers and a popsicle magically appeared in her hand. 

     "That should do the job!" Slowly she opened her mouth and slowly slid  the frozen treat in. She closed her lips around it and her face took on  a blissful expression.

    "Mmmmm! Oooommmmhhh!" She said as she slowly started sliding the popsicle in and out of her mouth. "Tusty."

     The Lord of Chaos silently watch this display as he sat perfectly  still. Fluttershy noticed his attention and slowly opened her mouth.  dragging her tongue along the length of the frozen treat. "Discord is  there something you want to say?"

    After a couple of seconds he replied in a slightly strangled voice. "You're, you're doing this on purpose aren't you?"

    "Doing what on purpose?" The mare slid the dessert back into her mouth. Juice dribbled slowly from her lips.

     "That!" Exclaimed the draconequus "You're doing that in an effort to  weaken my will so I'll agree to go to that horrible petting zoo with  you. Well it won't work! I spent a thousand years as a lawn ornament!  Your efforts will fail!"

    Fluttershy looked shocked. "Discord!  I have no idea what you're talking about. I am just sitting here with  you eating my snack." 

    She stared at the popsicle for a  second. "But I don't think this is what I'm hungry for." She snapped her  fingers and it disappeared; with another snap a banana appeared. She  smiled. 

    "Yeah. That's what I am craving." Holding it in one  hand she used her other to slowly disrobe the the long, firm fruit.  Discord made a sound like air leaking from a balloon.



Dark Forge

LOL, Discord is not going to win this.


Poor Discord hasn't the slightest chance!


And, next up will be a summer sausage...


Discord is *so* outgunned here. XD

Dark Forge

Heh, the way the look, act, and tease each other I'm surprised that Discord hasn't gotten her pregnant yet


She got him to change his ways already -- why does he think he's not still in her clutches?


Yeaaah "foregone conclusion" would be appropriate description for the situation I think XD I love how Discord's expression just projects his sinking feeling that any control he thought he had is going, going, gone...