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 Vivian the Trainer put her arms around her ponies and pulled them close.

    "Aren't they just the prettiest pair of good ponies? Do you like my ponies?" She smirks. "Want to become one of my ponies?"

    A Patreon reward for who  saved up some months for this piece. In case you are wondering Rule 34  pony is what Petina thinks Jackie would look as an anthro pony. Although  Petina thinks she would usually would have a light grey body and  charcoal grey mane and tail. Kind of like Octavia, but for this occasion  she thought the two of them as a matching white pair worked best. 

     Now Jackie has never appeared in my Equestria dreamscape, but one  night Petina and I brainstormed out her design in the Staging Area. Of  course Petina $ knows what she looks like as an anthro unicorn pony  already.




YES!! I wanna be her pony!!


"Fill out a form at the stable office and they'll schedule you for an interview."