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"This is the girls uniform at Twilight's school?" 

    Smolder looked down disapprovingly at the blouse and gave it tug with her right hand.

    "This doesn't even cover my midriff! And this skirt is a joke! Really! Who designed this thing?"

     "Um, Rarity designed it."

     Looking over Smolder noticed Spike standing there. He had this odd dumbfounded look on his face. Like some lobotomized lizard. The female dragon grunted. 

    "Let me guess you like it?"

   The younger dragon slowly nodded his head. "It rather flatters your figure." He said in a robotic fashion. 

    "Well maybe you should ask Miss Rarity to wear it as well if you think it so flattering." Then the female dragon stomped off.

    Spike continued to standing their motionless in school hallway with a very conflicted look on his face. 





The thought of Rarity wearing that. Spike’s brain just missed a shift.....stuck in neutral with that vision.


That tail isn't going to do her 'up-skirt avoidance shots' any favors...


Okay, I'll say it. "She's Smoldering."


Unless it's adapted for those with tails (probably standard in pony fashions), so that the skirt also runs under her tail.

Cobalt Fossil

It takes some characters far too long to be drawn in short skirts.