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 That evening as the airship carrying Lucky Card and Celestia's team flew back to Canterlot. Scale Bearer  Teams specially assembled by the Crown for this operation began raiding numerous businesses, residencies, and government institutions in my Equestria dreamscape. In process literally hundreds of ponies were being arrested and taken in for questioning.

  Heartbreaker rolled her cigar back and forth in her mouth as she shuffled forward to board the police van. Her shuffling was the result of both her unwillingness to get into the wagon and the hobbles she wore on her front and back legs. Those hobbles were connect by a chain that prevented her from bucking or punching anypony. 

  Not everypony who was getting the van was as restrained as she was, but then again not everypony had caused as much trouble as Heartbreaker had when the police had come storming into the House of Roses this evening. She hadn't killed anypony, but a couple of them were going to be taking their meals through straws until they got their dental problems addressed. A wicked grin crept across her face as she thought about that.    

  She was about to step up in the van when one of the sergeants overseeing the operation yelled at her. "Hey! You there! Get rid of that!" 

  "Git rid of what governor?"  The mare tilted her head and looked at the officer. Even through all the mayhem she'd somehow held on to her signature derby-style hat. Her eyes peered out from shadows of the brim. 

  "That cigar! No open flames in the back of the van!" Growled the sergeant. 

  Heartbreaker rolled her eyes and sighed. "What if I put it out before I get in?" 

  The sergeant pondered her comment and then nodded her head. "Yeah, but really put it out!"

  "Fine." Said the mare. Gingerly rearing up on her hind legs she removed the cigar from her mouth with her hobbled front hooves. Alongside the rear door was a small recruiting poster that had been adhered to the van exterior.

  Variations of it could be found at numerous government agencies, schools, and public libraries. The image was of Princess Celestia's reared up with rising sun behind her. With wings outspread and her amazing mane and tail flowing in the early morning breeze the image captured the feeling many ponies had for their beloved leader. There was a caption beneath the image:

Our respect for others is a reflection of the respect we have for ourselves. 

  Heartbreaker took the cigar and smashed its smoldering end right on Celestia's cutie mark leaving darken stain on her haunches.  She stuck the now unlit cigar back in her mouth.  

   She grinned at the sergeant. "There, are you happy?" 

   The veins in the  sergeant's neck and forehead looked like they were suddenly going to burst from beneath her coat. After a few seconds she finally growled.    

   "Get in the van!"

   The chocolate brown earth pony smirked at her. "That's what I was doing governor before made me put out my smoke."


   Heartbreaker smiled and nodded her head "Sure thing." 

   She scrambled in and plopped down on an available bench seat. leaning back against one of the interior walls of the van she tipped the front brim of her derby down over her eyes. After a few more minutes the van was full and the back door was swung shut and locked. Then various wards were activated before the van began rolling away from the club.  

  To be continued.   



Dorian Inman

I’m still up in the air about her. I haven’t decided yet if she’s really good at acting, or if she really a bad mare. Well, we’ll see in time.


Hmm... something tells me this isn't the last time we'll see Heartbreaker


Heartbreaker seems to embody the [in]famous Mea West quote.. "When I'm good, I'm very good, and when I'm Bad, I'm even BETTER!!!"


She's really trying awfully hard, ain't she? BATTLEAXE


Odd thought, why do I think that she is, at least, an undercover cop? If not one of Celli's "Specials" 'AXE

Generic Avatar

The chain seems awfully long for something that's supposed to keep her from kicking...


Ponies with bowlers looks too good :)


I've had that suspicion since she was introduced. Although she might be a candidate for recruitment to Celestia's special little group of "mares in waiting".