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 Last Thing slowly took a sip of her coffee in my Equestria dreamscape. She sat alone in the diner booth with only a cup of coffee, a bear claw pastry, her purse, and a morning edition of the Canterlot Courier to keep her company.     

        The headlines continued to be dominated by the events in Manehattan, but for the unicorn mare that was old news. Besides she was privy to information that the general public had not, and might never be, told about. Unraveling this tangled web of events would take time, and time was something she was very familiar with. 

  Instead her attention was fixated on what appeared to be random small news items and advertisements that made up the interior of the paper. As she found them she checked them off one by one with a red pencil. Her levitation caused the writing implement to dance across the newspaper. 

  She'd flipped to the weather schedule when her pencil froze a fraction of a inch above the paper. She stared at the projected start time for rain showers for several seconds. Her eyes remained focused on the start time of afternoon showers on Tuesday the 20th; at the same time she removed a small notebook from the large, bright purple purse that sat alongside her on the bench seat. The mare flipped the book open to a particular page and stared intently then she looked back at newspaper. Then she took the red pencil at jotted a note next to an existing entry in her notebook. 

  REWS has scheduled rain showers for the Canterlot area to begin at 15:30 on Tuesday the 20th. Recorded time in my journal for the same date is 13:15. Discrepancies of 2 hours and 15 minutes. 1st known recorded variant according to my sources for Tuesday 20th.  

  Her attention was suddenly torn away from note taking by a shriek of alarm.  

  The little unicorn filly let out a cry as she lost control of the strawberry milkshake and the doll she'd been carrying with her levitation. The heavy parfait glass hit the floor and shattered, splattering thick, pinkish liquid everywhere. A fraction of a second later her doll splashed down into one of the larger pools of liquid. The filly's lower lip quivered and tears began to..... 

  The little unicorn filly let out a cry as she lost control of the strawberry milkshake and the doll she'd been carrying with her levitation. Last Thing reached out with her own levitation and caught both the shake and the doll before they hit the floor. Keeping the glass upright she slowly raised them back up to the filly.  

  "Here you are." Said the dour, dark mare. "Be more careful next time or you might drop both of them." 

  It took a second for the filly to figure out where the voice was coming from. Finally she seemed to notice the mare sitting in the booth. The bright pink filly reestablished her own control of the items with her own horn. Then she nodded her head. 

  "Thank you m'am! I will!" Said the filly. 

  "Dear you need to be more careful." The mother of the filly walked up. She looked at Last Thing, but after a fraction of second she got this quizzical expression. As if she couldn't figure out why she should be looking at the booth. Then she noticed Last Thing again.      

       "Thank you for your help. You saved us from a messy disaster. She's still learning how levitate multiple objects at once." I guess she just needs more time to learn how to do it correctly." 

  Last Thing tilted her head to one side. "Yes it does take time." 

  The mother looked at her daughter. "Well lets not bother this...." The mare seemed to lose track of Last Thing in the booth. After a moment she saw her again. "This nice mare anymore. Okay dear?" 

  "Uh huh! Thanks again for the help!" Said the filly. Then her and her mother wandered off. 

  Last Thing returned her attention to the newspaper again and froze as her eyes fell on the weather schedule again. 

  REWS has scheduled rain showers for Canterlot area to begin at 13:15 on Tuesday the 20th. 

  Last Thing shook her head and then took the time to carefully note this change in the weather schedule again.

  To be continued.   




Discrepancy or Typo? Or a message?🤨


Oh, this is going to be a very interesting character. It seems she has a few seconds of future sight. Don't know what to think about why the mother loses track of her for some reason.


Wow - is she actually changing the future? Changing events that happened?


Or is the future not predetermined. Perhaps she's seeing alternative realities/futures. Last Thing is very complicated.


Now her name is starting to make sense - She can see alternates of the last thing that happened or she can change the last thing she sees.

Dorian Inman

Somehow she reminds me of a living TARDIS. And she doesn't seem to fully understand herself. I had to read through this about four times. Notes the the weather report was 2.25hrs off from her notes. Sees a filly about to have a very bad day for herself, which also shows Last Thing is compassionate since she didn't *need* to help, skips backwards in time long enough to stop the "disaster." Looks at the time again in the report which has changed to coincide with her original notes. To me this shows that time is a river, with many rivulets. She dammed one, the continuation of the spilled shake and soaked doll, thus allowing a change further down the time stream. What "bothers" me is how she keeps skipping through time even when being looked at directly. Every time she skips out, no one is puzzled about the loss of the body just why are they looking at a particular place. It's like she has a tentative hold her power. I also wonder, since she's one of Celestia's Mares-in-waiting, if this phasing stops around her and Last Thing can "be herself and relax," or if Celestia has the same problem of forgetting she's there. Tia technically can't write herself a note about LT(I hope shorthand is ok) because each little thing that LT does could in fact cause the note to never have been written in the first place if Tia is not immune to LT's effects.


You will learn more about Last Thing in the near future, and she is a very conflicted individual.


Ah, the mind-bending issues of variable time streams. Or intertwined parallels. Once you get into that kind of thing, it gets weird quickly.

Generic Avatar

I wonder how long it took for her to learn to live like that with several second pre-cog running all the time in your head. I'd find it disconcerting having to make snap judgements at all times. Useful if you want to survive non-area effect incoming fire, or other incidents where 2-3 seconds is all you need to make a difference, assuming you haven't succumbed to mental fatigue from such mental quirk.