Sidecar (Patreon)
Since I was literally making up this piece as I going along I did a quick Google search and discovered several image of Ural motorcycle/sidecar setups and decided that was perfect for the spirit of the piece. I put Petina in a slinky Black Widow, the Avenger not the spider, outfit. Which kind of tied things back together with the bike since Black Widow's real name is Natasha Romanova. Suddenly the drawing had this on-location, movie set, candid photo quality to it.
I had about 45 minutes to get the basic drawing down on paper during the stream, and then using a technique I'm calling hasty shading I was able to finish the rest of the piece today in about an 1 hour. I'm developing hasty shading as a way to get fast, shading techiques for quick illustrations and commissions. The technique counts on using the shading to quickly suggest objects, shapes, and textures without require very finished under-drawings. I'm getting better at it.
My next stream will be 7/21/18 starting at 5:30pm Pacific.