So, is this a button? (Patreon)
Discord stared at the thing on his plate. Fluttershy called it a salad and she was very fond of them, and as part of getting to know his partner better he was
Suddenly there was a brilliant flash of magic when light subsided his Caprese Salad had vanished. In it's place was a large metal platter with Fluttershy lying on it with an apple in her mouth. Just the platter, the apple, and the mare. That's all. Discord had decided after their little romp through the multiverse to let the mare keep the magical powers he had given her. It made things more interesting. Popsicle Like right now.
Fluttershy removed the apple from her mouth and smiled at the draconequus. "Um, hello dear."
"Flutters dear, what are doing?" Asked the Lord of Chaos.
"Oh! Um, well I was talking with one of our neighbors yesterday. Uh, Petina, I can't remember if you've met her or not?"
"I've met her." Said draconequus. "And yes she's very memorable."
Although all I can remember is several gallons of lost bodily fluids and a need for a skin graft later. He thought.
This seemed to make Fluttershy perk up. "Oh good! Well, I was talking with her and she said that if we were going to be in a, um, relationship it would good for us to know what kind of, hobbies, and uh interest we might have to help us build a stronger relationship! She also said that partners will often have uh, buttons that can, um how did she say it?"
She closed her eyes and remembered Petina words. "Make things more interesting and exciting by pushing them." She also warned me about bad buttons as well, but she gave a list of them to try and see if they are buttons for you."
She looked up at Discord. "So um, is this a button for you, and is it a good button?"
Discord's wobbled up and down vigorously. Fluttershy watched this. Then she took a bite from the apple, chewed it, and then swallowed. Then she grinned.
Edit update 7/10/18. Soon after posting this image yesterday afternoon I realized that I had not yet finished the piece. There were some important details where the wings and the torso met and some other minor details. So I've uploaded the new image.