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Last year on New Years Eve I posted an image of Rainbow Dash as part of my anthro MLP pony bunny suit series.  At the time I posted it several people asked whether I had any plans to do the rest of the Wonderbolts in similar outfits.

     Well Petina apparently remembered because a couple of nights ago she dropped a hint that I should explore this topic more.  She accomplished this by walking over a computer in the Staging Area of my dreamscapes and  loading up this video clip on it and then walking away leaving the video  on a looping feed. On 4th loop I got the hint. Petina can be subtle  that way. 




The calendars are for a good cause. Cause they look good.😍

Cult of Dust

Now you just need Soarin to complete the set


At first, my mind went to Soarin in a Chip'n'Dales bowtie...but then I thought: "actually...bunny suit Soarin would be too funny to not see! "