Hello my little ponies.Did ya miss me? (Patreon)
Stone Mane screamed when 4 golden eyes snapped open on foul tendril/horn. The eyes stared at him with baleful intent. The black abomination glistened from a thick, clear viscous substance that oozed from it.
"Applebloom!" The colt shouted. "What's happened to you?!"
"What's happened ta me? What happened ta me?" Filly's voice made the colt shiver in terror. "I've just been gone fer a while, but I'm a back."
Applebloom opened her eyes. The white of them had turned into pits of endless darkness. Her golden caramel brown now glowed like fiery coals in the night. A smile grew and grew on her face. From behind lips long, sharp fangs like no pony should ever have grew. After a few more second she spoke again.
"Hello my little ponies. Did ya miss me?"
A scene from an upcoming Equestria dreamscape posting.