Home Economics fail (Patreon)
"Uh, Sweetie. I'm afraid I am going to have to give your cobbler a, well, um, a failing grade."
The filly sighed. "Understood. So Pinkie, do you want to grade my sourdough starter?"
The pink mare stared over at the sealed stoneware jar. Occasionally it would rock or shake ever so slightly. From within one could hear muffled scratching and clawing sounds punctuated by moaning eldritch sounds.
"Nope! Not today! Let's um, give it a few more days to settle down." Then she muttered under her breath. "And hopefully die."
Another of the drawings from my last Picarto stream. The theme of the stream was Back-to-School. Here we see home economics teacher Pinkie Pie working with one of her more, um challenged students Sweetie Belle.