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Recently I posted some images of Silk Cords practicing her trade. Now it's time for another member of Luna's Night Court and security detail. This is Straight Laced and she often works with Silk Cords. Together they are very good  stopping, apprehending, and restraining possible attackers, infiltrators, and general troublemakers. Besides possessing a good range of unicorn spells Straight Laced is an expert at the Canterlot school  of kick boxing. She also is very effective with the bola which she can use immobilize and stun assailants at range or stop them  if they attempt to disengage her and flee. Between her bolas and Silk  Cords lasso they are an effective combo



Terri Mouse

I have to admit, between Silk Cords and Straight Laced, they almost seem lower tier than some of the other ponies you've depicted using HIGH CALIBER FIREARMS. That could very well just be me, however.


They are not as exceptional as Celestia's Mares-in-Waiting, but Luna is just starting to build her core of staff. Give her time.


And they are still very competent at what they do. Also they are not as much field operatives either. Their primary job is that of security detail for Princess Luna.

Terri Mouse

Understood in both instances. Guess I just have more of a reaction when I know I'm being shot at versus just primarily non-lethal take-downs.