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The guards caught fleeting glimpse of the lithe figure sprinting  away from them and unleashed a hasty volley of bolts and arrows at it.  Without breaking stride and with rapier in hand the suspect vaulted over  the low stone wall. The female liani looked back and her eyes met those  of the watch officer. In that brief instant a sly smile danced across  the rogue's face; The watch officer wasn't a mind reader but he knew  what the suspect was thinking.

Better luck next time.

    Then the rogue vanished into the shadows of the city.

    Another of the characters our 5th Edition D&D campaign that Caerdwyn is running. Also it is a Patreon reward for him, and it is one of the pieces from my last Picarto stream. The character's name is Piq and she's been an important part of  the party dynamics. Oh and don't let her throw a rock at you or  anything you value.

    This piece also  shows the differences between planned art and spontaneous art created on  the fly during the stream. When started laying out the drawing during  the stream I accounted for the figure and their pose on the paper.  however about three quarters of the way through the underdrawing I  realized I'd forgotten one very important element. Her rapier. Let's  just say that sword goes to the very edge of the paper and the blade is  bit short for that type of sword.

    My next Picarto stream will be 10/27/18 starting at 5:30pm Pacific. It will be a Halloween themed all request stream. So start thinking of ideas, but don't tell me until the stream that night.



Louis Richards

Well, you could have adjusted the angle of her sword hand so that the rapier would be pointed toward the viewer, out of the paper, and used the magic of perspective to make it fit. *shrug*


This "Piq's" my interest... ;)