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Applejack finished brushing her teeth and the returned her  toothbrush to can on the sink that acted as the family brush holder. She  gave her nightshirt a slightly adjustment and then stepped out off the  bathroom. Sweet Apple Acres was oddly quiet tonight due to the absence  of her family. Granny Smith had been called away suddenly by aunt Golden  Delicious for some family-related business. Big Mac apparently had a  scheduled all-night game session with Spike at the Castle, and  Applebloom was having a sleepover with the rest of CMC in the clubhouse.  The lack of family members made the farmhouse sound and feel very empty and lonely.

    Of course Applejack was not  alone. The kirin Autumn Blaze had arrived that morning on the early  train for a 3 day visit to Ponyville. Her and AJ had been corresponding  via letters for the last few months since AJ and Fluttershy had gone on a  mission to the land of the kirin. The mare hoped that the kirin wasn't  offended by her family vacating the homestead for the evening.

     The earth pony yawned and proceeded to her bedroom. She opened the  bedroom door and promptly came to a halt. Sitting on her bed was Autumn  Blaze in her nightshirt with doll in her lap and a rather embarrassed  look on her face. After several seconds the farmpony spoke.

    "Uh Autumn. Whatcha doing here in my bedroom?"

     A blush slowly spread across the kirin and she looked away. "Well AJ  you see, uh, um, I, I don't like sleeping in a strange bed. It's a very  nice bed your family has offered me!" The mare quickly added. "But, but I  get scared when I try to sleep in a strange place for the first time."

    AJ cocked an eyebrow. "Must've been hard when ya got thrown out by yer kin?"

     Autumn nodded her head several times. "It was, and, and, didn't think  it would be a problem, but the house is really big, and quiet. So, so I  was wondering....."

    She looked back at AJ  as her blush grew brighter on her face. "Do you mind if I sleep with you  tonight? I, I know it probably sounds odd, but please."

     The Element of Honesty was trying to parse what the other mare had  just said when her eyes settled on the doll in kirin's lap. "Uh Autumn.  Why do ya have a doll of me?"

    It was the kirin's turn to be confused. "Uh, didn't you send me this?"


     "What? But who from Ponyville sent this then? I figured you had done  it since it's a doll of you." The kirin looked down at it. "I, I hope  you're not angry. It's a very cute doll." The mare squeezed her arm  together squishing the doll and her breast at the same time. "I brought  it with me in the hopes I wouldn't feel so alone in bed if I had it.  Because it would be like you were there with me then."  

     It was AJ's chance to have her face change color as it turned much  more orange. She suddenly stared at the calendar on the far wall with  great interest. Finally she muttered.

    "Ya don't snore do ya?"

    Autumn shook her head.

     Sweetie Belle lowered the binoculars from her eyes. She'd been using  the sill of the clubhouse window to steady the glasses so she could  watch a particular bedroom window. With a grin she looked back at the  other two CMC members.

    "Girls. It looks like our plan has been successful!"

     "Bout time!" Said Applebloom. She lying in her sleeping bag and  staring up at the ceiling. She glanced over at the unicorn. "Remind me  ta thank yer big sister fer the idea of sending her the doll."

     Scootaloo was sitting on her sleeping bag. She let out a whoop and  gave AB a high five. "Oh yeah! Another successful mission for the CMC!"



Dorian Inman

Oh blessed stats above! That is absolutely adorable! Autumn looks amazing and beyond cute! (Sherbet also asks if you’d pass on a ‘job well done!’ to Rarity.)


Adorable an yep something the CMC would cook up! Lovely story and piece of Autumn Blaze

Haefen Zebra

Absolutely lovely piece, and a great little story to go with it.


Ok, as a grown-ass man, I’m not ashamed to say that Applejack plush doll is absolutely adorable.


CMC. Shipping guaranteed. Satisfaction our goal.😎


You mean Petina WASN'T involved? I bet that embarrassed her -- unless she considers Rarity and the CMC her "students" on the subject.


Or her heart could be filled with pride. The same way a teacher can have when they see their students achieve such an important milestone and achievement.