Time is on my side! (Patreon)
Blank Check levitated her pocket watch up to eye level and confirmed they were on schedule in my Equestria dreamscape. It was after midnight and Gallop Park was deserted.
It had been warm with showers the day before; combined with a cold front that was moving into the area had resulted in a slow but steadily growing ground fog that was beginning to blanket the world. No higher than the barrel of a pony at the moment, but the weather service said there would heavy fog by sunrise. The growing fog diffused the light of gas lamps scattered alongt the pathway they were walking on.
Blank Check was counting on that fog to aid in their escape. There was a schooner sailing with the morning tide, and she and her entourage planned to be on that ship. They'd slip out of Manehattan and then head down to Baltimare. From there the mare would decide what the best course of action was.
Her core group had just linked up with the scouting party she'd sent ahead to confirm that way ahead was clear. They'd given the coast is clear and so long as luck didn't decide to fuck things up the exchequer for the Blood Mane Association would be onboard their ship in the next hour.
The whisper of wings pulled Blank Check's focus back to her immediate surroundings. Amongst her entourage was a bat pony and griffin. They'd been flying a circuit ahead and behind her party. Just making sure they weren't acquiring a trailer or walking into an ambush. The pale pink unicorn looked up. Flying about 3yds above her was Screaming Wind the griffin. The male was slowly flying at the pace of her group. After a couple seconds he spoke softly.
"M'am we've got company heading this way. A unicorn mare. She's on this path. She'll be in sight very soon."
"Is she just a mare coming back from a night on the town? A fucking prostitute looking for a customer? A mare looking to hook up with her damn lover? Care to be more specific?"
"No m'am. She'll wearing a full tactical harness. A further sweep on my return detected no other ponies. In fact the park is clear of all ponies. That alone is unusual. Black Tail says he's seen nothing odd behind us."
Blank Check growled. "Fine tighten your pattern with Black Tail." The unicorn looked over her shoulder. "Flash Point! Snap Shot! Up here front center! We've got company approaching! Get up here and earn your fucking pay!"
"Yeah, yeah boss!" The orange unicorn mare came trotting up. "Whatz the problem? Trouble?"
"Whatcha want boss?" The mare was joined by a pale blue unicorn with a black top hat, white silk shirt, and a navy blue vest with matching bow tie. Under the vest he wore a harness with two holstered weapons.
"We're going to have company in a minute or less. A lone unicorn mare in a tactical harness. Deploy our forces and keep your fucking eyes open!"
Flash Point giggled. "Heh, heh! Ya boss no problem. Sweet Talk! Gnash! Hooves! Up here with me!" Barked the mare.
Blank Check glanced over to her right. Walking alongside her was Prophecy. The mare leaned over and whispered. "Prophecy dear. What are you sensing? Anything unusual?"
The younger mare. Nodded her head. "Nothing is stable. It's like the ground is constantly shifting and vibrating under my hooves and it's growing worse. It's like the future is resetting over and over again. It's as if destiny is confused or scared!"
Blank Check didn't completely understand the young mare's statement, but it didn't sound good. Taking a deep breath she let it out slowly. "Okay everypony we've got company dead ahead. Get your heads in the fucking game!"
A short time later a lone pony came into view through the growing misty haze. About 50ft from the front of Blank Check's group the mare came to a halt and stood there. The group came to a halt and after a couple of seconds the crime boss spoke.
"You're in my way. Move your fucking ass now!"
Last Thing chuckled. "Well, well the reports about your shit talk and trash mouth are correct."
The unicorn usual stoic expression slowly started melting away. In it's place an impish grin began to spread across her face. "Hello Blank Check. Do you know who and what I am?"
"No and I don't fucking care! What are you? You're probably some crazy shit bounty hunter? You're not with the police?" Growled Blank Check. She didn't like the fact that she found it hard to keep her focus on the mare. It was as if her gaze kept slipping off her and on to something else nearby.
"Boss we've got appointment ta keep. Ya want me ta torch this bitch fer ya? Heh!" Flash Point was leering at the dark unicorn.
Last Thing glanced over at her. "Flash Point. I've got a warrant for you, but it doesn't require you be alive."
The Scale Bearer glanced at the ponies assembled. Her gaze settled back on Blank Check. "In fact the only pony I have instructions to bring back alive at all costs is you."
Then she glanced over at Prophecy. "I don't have those instructions for you, but you intrigue me. So I'll bring you back alive if possible. Rest of you can come back in caskets if you want to, or you can surrender now."
The younger unicorn trembled and took a step back and partially behind her boss.
"Ya know. Fer one pony ya are a cocky bitch!" Growled Snap Shot as he drew both of his guns with his levitation. One was a 18 shot, .36 caliber pepperbox. The other was single shot, break-open weapon with a massive 3 inch bore.
Sweet Talk spoke up. "I am not one for violence, and I believe in manners. But I have to agree Snap Shot it's rather arrogant for you to make such statements darling." Sweet Talk's voice was smooth, and had a honey quality as the words flowed from her lips. Her horn was just glowing a tiny bit.
Last Thing glanced casually at her. "Nice try dear, but your mind tricks won't work on me. Besides using mind control on an officer of the Crown is serious offense. We'll just add that to your list of charges."
"Officer of the Crown? Ya ain't a cop! That's fer sure?"Growled Flash Point. A small flame burst into life and floated above her horn. "What are ya, and do ya think ya can really take us all on? Whatcha ya got?"
"What have I got?" Last Thing giggled and to every other pony there it appeared as if she unicorn began to rapidly flicker in and out of sight. Her horn flared and two objects slowly floated from her harness they looked like a pair of bizarre pocket watches. She levitated the two devices up to eye level.
"My name is Last Thing! I am Scale Bearer for the Crown!" The mare's voice suddenly sounded very distant. "What I have is time! Time is on my side!"
Last Thing pressed a button on each of the devices. Then all hell broke loose.
To be continued.