Kidu (Patreon)
2019-02-19 18:10:50
2019-02-19 18:37:20
This is Kidu. He's been the villain that our party in our 5th Edition D&D game has been pursuing for the last 3 levels. We finally brought him low recently. He was a lizardman death cleric who our DM Caerdwyn did a very good job of keeping in him the background most of the time but always on our minds.
This was the first drawing of last Picarto stream. I had envisioned The Reaper looking something like a multi-bladed Pata sword, but Caerdwyn thought of it as being a gauntlet with blades on the fingertips. This is an issue that DM's have to deal with. You have an image in your mind of what a place, character, or monster looks like, but the members of the party may have different take on it.