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Discord sat silently cross-legged on the cottage floor with a scowl on his face. After a few second he glared over at his partner Fluttershy who was sitting alongside him. With her most recent pet draped, wrapped, and coiled around her. The python Squeezie.  After a second the Chiffon yellow pegasus mare leaned over and smiled.

         "Discord is something bothering you? You've been very broody all afternoon."

         For a moment the draconequus was silent. Then he sighed and grumbled. "No dear. I'm fine. However I think that perhaps you're giving your new reptile a bit too much affection."

         The mare looked down at the serpent that was coiled around her body. "Now dear. You know that whenever I get a new pet there's a period of bonding where it's important to spend lots of time with them so a strong bond forms between you and the pet."

         Discord rolled his eyes. "Yes, yes! But it seems like you're spending inordinate amount with it in rather personal and intimate contact with it."

        Fluttershy smiled glanced at down again. "Well I will admit that Squeezie is a very affectionate snake and she's does seems to enjoy being around me a lot, and that's okay because she's such a sweet thing and..."

       The mare paused and let out a soft, sultry sigh as the snake gently constricted around her and then relaxed. "And she gives really great hugs!"

        The Lord of Chaos grumbled. "I thought was my job?"

         The python slowly raised its head and stared up at the draconequus. The pegasus leaned over again. "Discord. You wouldn't be, perhaps, a little bit jealous would you?"

        Whether by chance or design Squeezie shifted her coils causing Fluttershy's breasts to bobble up and down slowly. 

       Discord glared at the snake and the snakes stared back. Then it stuck its forked tongue out at him.

       This is a moment from a recent dream in my anthro MLP dreamscape.






Discord: "Do I look green to you?" (He quickly hides the St. Patrick's Day items he'd been carrying.)