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Folks seem to have enjoyed seeing the quick thumbnails I posted yesterday showing how I test out compositions before starting on a final piece. These are some possible ideas/poses I might use for a series of drawing depicting an anthropomorphic Mane SIx as genies. These may or may not be the poses I will use for the final drawings, but they give me a starting point to work from. 

       One thing I am experimenting with this series is different ideas for the vessels they'd reside in, instead of the cliche lamp. So for RD it would be the sport/gym water bottle. Fluttershy a Pokeball. Twilight a book. Rarity's would the closest to traditional although I might make it a perfume dispenser. AJ's will be a stoneware jug, and Pinkie's will be either a present of a pinata. 



Sky Shatter

Love these thumbnail posts. Part of what enthralls me so much with advanced artwork is the creative process.


I might say that if the spirits coming out of a moonshine bottle are that easily visible, you should already be running in the other direction. Though looking at that rope, I'm not sure it would do much good.


I've said it elsewhere, but this should be done with the princesses other than Twilight, too.