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Obla-Doom slowly regained consciousness. Shaking the cobwebs from his head the Great Night-Terror Master surveyed the destruction before him. A few minutes ago he'd led his forces through a rip he and his forces carefully created between the Lower Dark Realms and the Dream Realm of Ponies. Stealthy they had worked to produce this fissure between realm. 

        Their objective had been simple; burst into the Dream Realm of Ponies and capture the dream fabrics of as many sleeping ponies as they could. Then they'd retreat back to Lower Dark Realms before they could be stopped, dragging the dream fabrics with them. Once back their own realm they would enjoy their feast.

        Secrecy and speed were to be the keys to the success of this operation. The wards and barriers that had sealed off the Realm of Ponies had finally begun to subside after centuries of frustrating creatures that craved to feed on the sweet dreams of ponies.  However there was little to rejoice for the Dream Witch had returned to assume her mantle of authority there, and was working to rebuild the barriers again.

        Worse she had found one of her kind who she'd taken in and trained to be her attack beast. In some ways the Red Bow was more terrifying than the mistress who held her leash. Tales of the Red Bow's deeds and the foes she'd laid low were now whispered in dread down in the Lower Dark Realms. 

         For that reason Obla-Doom had selected a small, fast, loyal, and well-trained force of 2000 Night-Terrors for this raid. However his forces had just organized and started out when the shimmering veils of colors that made up this Dream Realm when they had vanished and they had found themselves on a expansive, flat plain of broken stone. 

       The Great Night-Terror immediately realized that this wasn't some random dream fabric of a sleeping pony they'd fallen into. This was a dream fabric that had either been suddenly thrown in their path or spontaneously constructed with one goal. To trap them on a field of battle. 

        He'd started  giving the order for a general retreat when the ground had erupted with gigantic gouts of yellow-green flame. A fraction of a second later the plain of stone had exploded with thousands of great needle-like lances of stone that hoisted his screaming forces into the air and trapped them within the raging conflagration.   

        Obla-Doom had been thrown through the air by the violence of the attack. His body eventually found the ground when it smashed down onto a small, flat, stone plateau. For a moment he'd almost blacked out; only by the force of his will had he shaken off the effects of his landing. Scanning around his heart skipped a beat. In one swift, ruthless blow his forces had been annihilated. Then voice called out and his blood ran cold. 

         "I'll git right ta the point. Ya got two choices. Either a ya surrender ta me, or I'm a gonna take yer head home as trophy. I strongly recommend ya take the first choice."

         Obla-Doom found himself looking up at a filly floating above him. Parts of her buttercream yellow body were covered in a glistening black material that sheathed her like a second skin. Draped across her shoulder was a gigantic scythe that appeared to be made of black obsidian. At the base of the blade was a giant cat eye of malachite green that stared balefully at him. 

         However it wasn't the scythe that made the Great Night-Terror trembled. It was the bright red bow that adorned the filly's deep rose red mane and tail. Rumors in the Lower Realms said she dyed her bow in the blood of her fallen foes. Others said that her mane and tail were the color they were because she bathed them as well in her enemies blood. This was attack beast of the Dream Witch. This was the Red Bow. 

         "Mister! I'd recommend you listen to her and surrender. She's not bluffing!" 

         Lowering his gaze the Great Night-Terror noticed for the first time a colt floating below her. Like the Red Bow he appeared to be from the tribe of earth ponies. He was a nutmeg brown with a short medium grey mane and tail. He was holding the strangest contraption the being from the Lower Dark had ever seen. Slung across the pony's shoulder was a large cylinder of steel and bronze.  Projecting from one end were 3 long steel shafts with holes bored apparently their entire length. The shafts seemed to rotate around a central spindle. Sticking out of the cylinder was an open-ended trough with smaller brass cylinders stacked into it. A crankshaft and grip stirrup on the left side of the cylinder rounded out the most interesting features of the alien device. 

        Obla-Doom had no idea what it was, but based on how the colt was wielding it he was pretty sure it was a weapon of some type. 

        "Well." Said the filly. "Which choice are ya gonna take?"

        A scene from a very recent Equestria dreamscape. Although nowhere close to her league, Stone Mane has begun assisting Applebloom on occasion in the Dream Realm. He has gotten rather adept at creating iconic objects that can be used to effect the local environment and other beings there. 




Stone did help make a cannon once. He’s graduated to repeating arms now. Nice....very nice.


Yep! He's effectively got a 1880's 3-barrel rotating Hotchkiss 1pdr cannon there.


Wow. I like how something so simple - A plain red bow - can be such an implement of terror and fear. And I suddenly remember that one scene with Prophecy. She was terrified of a ribbon laying on the ground, Wasn't that red too?


Such subtle tactics there, Applebloom. Interesting to see Stonemane joining her. Talk about an interesting couples outing.


I should introduce this pair to a unicorn I call BFG. He's a bit of a glass cannon, but he can leave traces in your retinas.


I like Stonemanes' choice of a "subtle" weapon..... ah.."peace through superior firepower"? I do like his style. THE COLONEL


Yeah, the worlds largest Dahlgren "Soda Bottle" Like I said, he has a taste for "subtle"


Pst, beastybuddy, just a tip - this is the moment when you wave the tiny white flag and call "Parlay!"


If it was my dream it would be Bofors 40mm. Just one barrel.......but oh my the damage it brings.


The couple that slays together, stays together!