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An image from last night's anthropomorphic MLP dreamscape that figured I'd draw up today for folks today. 

         Autumn Blaze sat on the edge of the bed swinging her lower legs back and forth absentmindedly. Applejack had been gone for about fifteen minutes. The mare had gone into the the bathroom muttering something about wanting to show the kirin something. Autumn could occasionally hear the farmpony muttering in the bathroom about something. Finally the door opened and she heard the sound of the mare's hooves on the wooden floorboards. The steps came to a halt in front of her bedroom door. After a couple of seconds there was soft cough.

      "Uh. Okay Sugar Cube ya said ya wanted ta do something related ta my favorite hobby...well"

      The door opened and the yellow-orange mare slowly stepped into the room. Autumn's stopped moving and she went dead still. The earth pony came to a stop in front of her. 

       AJ bit her lower lip and then spoke. "Now be honest. What do ya think of it?"

      Autumn stared at her wide eye. "I think I am suddenly much more interested in attending the rodeo someday. Is that what you wear when you're competing in it?"

      AJ's face suddenly had a reddish tint to it. "Oh no, no! Ya said ya wanted something with my favorite hobby theme. Well that'd be the rodeo. So, uh, do you like it?"

      The kirin's head slowly bobbed up and down. "Yes. It's very, very nice." There was several seconds of silence as Autumn stared at the farmpony without blinking. "So, um. What do you do in the rodeo AJ?"

      "Well I compete primarily in barrel racing and roping competitions."

      "So you're good with the rope?" The kirin asked while fidgeting on the bed.

     "Sure am!" The farmpony said with pride. "I'm one of the best roper there is!" Then the mare's face got red again.

      Autumn blushed. "Um, care to show me how good you are AJ?"

     The earth pony's face was beet red now. "Um okay. Sure!"  



Dorian Inman

Whoa nelly! Autumn is in for a treat!

Cult of Dust

They seem to have taken quite the fancy to each other.


Okay little Autumn......run like a calf out of the chute!!😏


Well, theres something that would draw me to the rodeo more too!


Methinks there is a bit of cross-communication here.

Sky Shatter

No sugar and spice, but that is definitely everything nice.