2000 (Patreon)
Twilight nervously fussed over her garter belt for the hundredth time as she looked at herself in the full length mirror. She knew it was right but her anxiety was making her fidget and worry the lingerie she was wearing.
Why had she let Fluttershy talk her into this? She wondered. Had the mare used some subtle form of The Stare on her?
Fluttershy was talking with the photographer who was setting up the final lights for the shoot. On top of agreeing to being photographed wearing lingerie, the Princess of Friendship was questioning her sanity for agreeing to have the photo shoot in the Map Room of her own castle.
With her conversation with photographer over the chiffon yellow pegasus wandered over to her friend who had resumed adjusting her garments. "Twilight. It looks fine. Stop fiddling with it. The photographer says he's almost ready for us."
Twilight looked back at her friend and grimaced. "Sorry Fluttershy. I'm, I'm just nervous about this. I've never worn anything like this. Never mind being photographed in! Are you sure everything will be alright?"
The Element of Kindness smiled and nodded her head. Like Twilight she was wearing a lingerie ensemble. However she seemed to be very comfortable about wearing the garments and being seen in them.
"Don't worry Twilight. I've, um, done these shoots several times. Just relax and, uh try to act natural in front of the camera."
The violet alicorn cocked an eyebrow. "Fluttershy. Weren't you the one who hated being a fashion model? You seem to be rather calm about all this?"
The mare blushed a bit. "Well, I didn't really mind being photographed. It was the uh, frantic pace of all of it. Also I didn't like most of the ponies who work in fashion industry. Most of them are nothing like Rarity."
Twilight continued staring at her friend as if knowing there was more than just that. The mare's blush grew brighter. "And I've discovered I have a little, small, teeny, bit of an exhibitionist streak in me."
Elsewhere in Ponyville
Spike was running flat out for the castle. He was so angry with himself. The Ogres & Oubliettes game was suppose to have started 40 minutes ago at Sugar Cube Corner. Big Mac, Discord, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie were ready to go, and some how he'd forgotten his lucky dice. He was positive he'd packed them before leaving the castle? However he'd turned his tote bag inside out and they were not there. Now the entire party was waiting for him.
The young dragon really didn't want to go back to castle. His game had moved to Sugar Cube Corner when Twilight had suddenly announced that she would be recalibrating the Multi-phase Harmonic Resonator in her laboratory today. She'd given Spike two choices. Move the game to another location. Or he could help her with the recalibration. Naturally Spike had taken the first option.
Now he dreaded stepping back into the castle for fear of being shanghaied into helping Twilight with mind-numbing job. Well if he was quick, and quiet, he should be able to slip in and out before Twilight noticed he'd returned. He wracked his brain for the last time he'd seen his lucky dice. It had been in the Map Room when he'd been packing his bag on the map table.
With great care he opened the castle front door and slipped inside. Making all of his stealth and perception rolls the dragon made his way to the Map Room. However his pace slowed as he approached the room. He could hear multiple ponies talking from within the room? He could hear Twilight, Fluttershy, and occasionally one other voice he didn't recognize.
Why would Twilight be in there? He wondered. She should be downstairs in the lab tinkering on her blasted machine. Slowly he opened the door and peered inside.
The Map Room was full of temporary lights on portable stands and broad temporary walls of gauzy white material that obscured most of the map table. What the hay is going on here? Silently he slipped into the room. Unfortunately Twilight sounded like she was close to the table, but if he was careful he just might be able to pull this off. As he stepped around one of the temporary walls he heard her say.
"I can't believe I'm actually doing this. At least Spike is gone for the day."
Spike stopped dead in his tracks. Twilight and Fluttershy were standing right there in front of him. Wearing outfits he'd never imagined them in. Fluttershy saw him first.
"Um, Twilight..."
The rest of the Spike's gaming group suddenly looked up from their character sheets. They weren't certain but for just an instant they swore they'd heard a distant scream followed by a muffled explosion. Discord looked around and then glanced down under the table.
"Well now. What do we have here?" The Lord of Chaos reached under the table and came up holding a pull string bag. He smiled. "Why I think these are Spike's lucky dice!"
I normally don't post long stories for my Twitter milestone drawings but since this is the 2000th I felt like doing something extra.