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A sketches based on a recent dream in my Equestria dreamscape . They are of Straight Laced who's one of Princess Luna's Mares-in-Waiting. This is from the same that LBD Applebloom is from. 

       At one during the dream Straight Laced, Applebloom, and Nightfall were all dancing in the club. The music being played in the dream was this form Gypsy Jazz with elements of Bebop to it. 

      However later on I was listening to the Shinedown song Devil and I found that there was several points in the song where the music syncs nicely with three mares dancing.  In particular at 1:18 through 1:21 seems to sync up nicely for this sequence of movements by Straight Laced. I'll be posting up the other two later. 




Straight Laced but not uptight? :P


Her name is a parody. She's definitely not strait laced. However her cutie mark is of straight lacing, and that's how she laces up most items.