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Night Song quickly leaned around the corner and in fast succession fired both barrels of her double-barrel shotgun. With equal speed she ducks back around the corner. 

       Lowering the weapon from her shoulder she pushed the action release lever with one of her front hooves. With her other front hoof she pushes down on the barrels of the weapon and breaks the action open. The spent shotshells ejected cleanly from the weapon. In anticipation of a quick reload the pegasus had two fresh shells clenched in her teeth. With urgency she reloaded the weapon and got back into the fight. 

        Night Song is Death Light Productions OC.  He is one of my new $20 a month Pillar memership. Every $100s or 5 months Pillar members can get a piece of art like this. 

        Also this Saturday 5/11/19 starting 5:30pm Pacific I'm creating more art on Picarto.



Dorian Inman

She looks right at home in either your dreamscape or Roan. Lovely OC, DLP!


Use plastic cases.....paper ones get all soft in your mouth drool.😁


Well since this is the Fallout universe I assume they were plastic. Besides she's grasping them by the brass rim.


I know.....just having a fun. Whenever I’ve tried to hold anything in my mouth I tend to drool or chew on it.😋. Having hands I use two shells gripped between fingers on the trigger hand. I suspect she has trained enough to be really adapted at reload. Shotguns are still my favorites.😎