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Have you ever gotten something. Say your monthly credit card statement, and you're staring at a charge trying to determine if it's legit and when it might've happened. 

      Is this from when I went to the movies and then had dinner afterwards? Maybe it's from that business lunch I took with the client. No the time is wrong for that? 

    I'm staring at several drawings from my last drunken Picarto stream. And I have no clue when during stream I drew them. Heck I don't even remember drawing a couple of these? This was pure muscle memory and instinctively recalling decades of experience. Probably explains why the line quality in this 30 minute drawing is so horrid and scratchy. Also I smudged the drawing in a couple of places and had to clean it up a lot.  As with the ones I've posted already, the one on the left is what I drew during the stream. Then I finished it up in the studio today. 

    I think this was suppose to be Princess Celestia. I can't remember now, and that's what I decided to run with. 




Nice....she fills out that dirndl nicely!🥰 And biers too!!! Wunderbar!!🎉

Cera Treascair

Yep, that was barmaid Celestia. You were pretty toasted off of the mint juleps and tequila sunrises by then. Think this was the one after Drinkie Pie previously, as memory serves. - Noble Cause


She's the Heavenly ("Celestia(l)") Beer girl? :P