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Fleetfoot stood outside the dressing tent and stared at the closed entrance. She'd been standing there for what seemed like an eternity. The ocean breezes tousled her mane. With her patience wearing thin she called out to the current occupant of the tent.

       "Captain. Are ready to go or not?"

       From within the tent came a muffled reply.  "I'll be ready in a moment. I'm just trying to get all the pieces to look right." 

       The mare lifted her sunglasses from her muzzle as she pinched the of the same muzzle with the same right hand. "Captain! There's only two pieces to it. It shouldn't take this long!"

       "Fine!" That tent flap flew open and Captain Spitfire, Leader of the Wonderbolts stepped out into the midday sun. It took great self-control on Fleetfoot's part to not bust up laughing. The usually confident captain was now standing there like some nervous schoolfilly on her first trip to the beach. 

      Spitfire looked down at herself. The gold metallic bikini she had on glistened in the light of Celestia's Orb. After a second she spoke up. "I don't know Fleet. I, I usually go for one-piece swimsuits that, uh, well, cover more than this thing you bought me."

       Fleetfoot shook her head, but at the same time a grin slowly spread across her face. "Captain. I really don't see what the big deal is? While it is true our flight uniform almost cover our entire body, they don't leave much for the imagination!"

       "Yes, but when I'm wearing I'm doing so in a professional capacity and others see it that way!" Said the captain as she fussed with one of the strings on the bikini.

       "Uh huh, so all those young stallions and mares who buy our posters and calendars and stick them up on their bedroom walls do so because they're admiring our professionalism. "

        Spitfire muttered something and then fussed some more with another bikini string. 

        Another request drawing from last night's Picarto stream. It was for a Captain Spitfire being uncertain at the beach about the swimsuit she's wearing. 





Cult of Dust

She could always cover up more by putting on some underwear. Not sure it would help with the feeling of exposure.


Give her a few minutes.....once she feels the sea breezes about her body she’ll get comfortable.🥰


"She wore an itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny, met-tal-lic gol-den, bikini; that she wore for the first time, today!"