You'll Play Your Part (Patreon)
A piece of art commissioned by Dusty Katt to be used on a cigar box guitar that he's constructing for Daniel Ingram who was instrumental, pun intended, in making Friendship is Magic so wonderful. Daniel wanted an image inspired the song You'll Play Your Part
Now this project has required the efforts of many to make happen. Flutter Spartan did the preliminary concept art. Then working with Dusty I modified, developed, and refined the idea. Once I'd finished the drawing was sent to Earth Pony Creations who then worked his own magic to laser etch it onto wood. Earth Pony has done many of my images laser etched onto wood.
In the meantime Dusty was constructing the guitar itself. Using his own artistic skills he's bringing all the components together so Daniel can create music with it. I am very excited to hear what will come from that instrument. You can track Dusty's progress on his Twitter