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A moment from my Anthro MLP dreamscape. Autumn Blaze slowly opened her eyes and stared up at ceiling. The early morning sun was streaming in through the bedroom window bathing the room in golden yellow light. 

       The kirin felt the embrace and warmth of her partner snuggled against her. Turning her head slightly she looked over at Applejack. The earth pony was still asleep and had an arm draped across her chest. Autumn shifted slightly in bed to move her arm which was starting to falling asleep.  This resulted in AJ muttering something incoherent and hugging the Autumn tighter as she buried face in the kirin's mane and bosom. 



Dorian Inman

Aaawww! That’s so sweet and peaceful!

Cult of Dust

Seems Autumn has secured her catch


They're getting along so well.